New Treatments For Keratoconus

Keratoconus and intacs and cross-linking are treatments used to correct the distortion of the cornea. This condition is a progressive eye disease that weakens the cornea, causing the normally round lense to bulge into a cone-like shape. The distorted cornea deflects the light entering the eye causing distorted vision.

As the distortion worsens, it can cause nearsightedness and an astigmatism. This may lead to blurry vision. This situation is recognized to trigger light sensitivity in the individual. The extra sensitivity can be painful and they eyes will require constant protection sources of light.

In the less severe cases, corrective lenses can be used to help improve vision but as the disease advances, the cornea will become thinner and the distortion worsens. At this point, corrective lenses will no longer help in vision correction. Then in 2004, corneal inserts called Intacs received FDA approval for the treatment of keratoconus. These plastic inserts are surgically implanted to re-shape the cornea in order to improve vision.

Corneal cross-linking does not require surgery which makes it safer than corneal replacement. The procedure also strengthens the cornea and prevents further distortion of the lens. This method raises collagen levels, that is thought to be the all-natural “anchors” within the cornea.

The corneas are saturated with a custom made riboflavin eyedrops. This solution is activated by a UV light which will reinforce the links among the corneal fibers. This procedure has been proven to increase the strength of the corneas and helping to reduce the distortion of the lens. Vision is corrected but it is not completely resolved.

UV cross-linking procedures are less evasive and are beneficial in preventing the progression of the disease. This process will not reverse this eye disease but it will help to restore and preserve vision. It also serves as a safer alternative to surgical corneal transplants which is an evasive procedure that is very painful. This surgery comes with a lot of risk and post-surgical complications.

Revolutionary techniques involving UV cross-linking, has confirmed to extend eyesight and improve the shape of a distorted cornea. Medical research has found these new techniques to be safe and highly effective. It’s important for anybody with this particular illness to look for Keratoconus and intacs also as cross-linking solutions. A visit to a specialized optometrist, will certainly be in a position to find out which remedy best serves the severity of the condition.

For more great advice and treatments check out keratoconus treatment and checkout Lasik correction at Khanna Institute

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