Neck Rejuvenation

A common concern of patients seeking facial rejuvenation is neck aging. There are many factors which contribute to neck aging including excess fat, excess skin, and prominence of the muscle of the neck, the platysma. Complete neck rejuvenation first starts with identification of the problem area and concludes with a complete plan for rejuvenation. In some cases, multiple procedures must be undertaken for optimal results.

Neck liposuction can be undertaken as an isolated procedure. After removing the fat in the neck though, there is the possibility of excess skin becoming a problem in patients who are older with less skin elasticity. Fortunately, the amount of fat which is removed with neck liposuction is much less than with body liposuction so the serious risks of body liposuction do not exist with neck liposuction.

A combination of procedures can be undertaken to optimally perform neck lift surgery. Sometimes a combination of liposuction, plastysmaplasty, and lower facelift are necessary to obtain optimal neck lift results. Unfortunately, newer is not necessarily better. Some procedures which are touted to be minimally invasive in neck rejuvenation can be good for patients with the appropriate skin and aging changes while some patients with more extensive aging may not see good results.

For patients with excess skin of the neck, either alone or after liposuction procedures, a lower facelift may be in order to pull the neck tight and remove the excess skin. Incisions are made around the ears and an incision is made under the chin. The skin is lifted from the deeper structures, pulled tight, and excess skin in removed.

The first step with any facial rejuvenation procedure is to meet with a qualified and experienced facial plastic or plastic surgeon. Each patient will have specific risks and benefits to each procedure and consultation is critical to determine each person’s own results and risks.

For more information about cosmetic surgery or hair loss book or other cosmetic surgery topics, visit Dr. Verret on the web or call for a consultation 972.608.0100.

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