Natural Alternatives to Banding Hemorrhoids

A hemorrhoid is an enlarged vein in the anus caused by pressure or other factors such as excess weight. Hemorrhoids cause bleeding, swelling and pain in the sufferer. Hemorrhoids are classified as either internal or external. External hemorrhoids often cause itching and burning, while internal hemorrhoids are marked by intense pain and bleeding. Many people use over-the-counter treatments to relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids. Doctors deal with hemorrhoids through various procedures, such as banding hemorrhoids. Natural methods can also be used to treat hemorrhoids.

A natural remedy for hemorrhoids is the inclusion of more fiber in the diet. It both prevents and cures the problem of hemorrhoids. Types of food that are high in fiber include grain products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These can be food items such as whole grain breads, dried peas and beans, almonds, avocado, and berries.

In looking for a way to stop hemorrhoids pain you should try and ascertain the reason for the problem in the first place. A big cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. If you are having trouble eliminating your stools, and are straining to do so, that could be the reason for the hemorrhoid episode. There are many effective natural cures for constipation. One of the easiest and most effective natural laxatives is apple cider vinegar. Drink a cupful of warm water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in it when you notice you are having trouble, and before you now it you will get relief. The swelling will go down when you are no longer straining and the hemorrhoids pain will go away.

Another common and simple hemorrhoid home remedy is the application of ice and heat to shrink the hemorrhoid and encourage it to heal. Apply ice, such as a single ice cube, to the hemorrhoid or the anal area, for at 10 minutes every day. Then apply a moist, warm towel to the anal area for up to 20 minutes. This is best done after an aggravating bowel movement that has caused pain or irritation to the hemorrhoid.

There are many products on the market that utilize witch hazel. Hemorrhoids are the three varicose veins inside the anus that swell during bowel movements and the various creams and solutions made up of the herb witch hazel go by several names. The usage instructions will vary with each individual type of witch hazel hemorrhoids treatment.

Calmovil is an effective solution for curing hemorrhoids. Its clinically proven ingredients are both natural and effective. The success of Calmovil has been proven with clinical trials. In these trials, Calmovil has been demonstrated to relieve itchy, painful, and inflamed hemorrhoids. Doctors agree about hemorrhoids and how to naturally cure them. Calmovil is #1 doctor recommended. With its money back guarantee and 60 day risk free trial, Calmovil is the obvious choice for anyone looking for a completely natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

Looking to find info on Do you need hemorrhoid treatments or surgery? Read all you need, then go to our website to find the latest advice on Help in Curing Hemorrhoids! for you.

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