Mosman Personal Training: Personal Training As a Business – What You Need To Know

If you are running a personal training business, the chances are that you love what you do. Your clients get steadily fitter and you find this really motivating – but what sort of shape is your business in? Here are five suggestions to boost performance. Charge more! There are two ways to earn more – one is to work longer hours, the other is to increase your hourly rate. If you are already working as many hours as you would want then increasing your fee is the way to go. Most clients will accept this and those that don’t are possibly problem clients in any case and will be easy to replace. It is a good idea to look at what rival training companies are charging before you implement any huge increases though.

Diversify, Look at the possibility of selling extras to your clients – nutritional supplements, gym mats, weights. If you buy these from a wholesaler and mark up the price then this becomes an additional source of revenue for you.

Be exclusive, Tell prospective clients that your time is pretty much booked up so you only have room for one or two additional clients. Also let them know that you only accept new recruits who will take Mosman personal training really seriously. If you get the message across in the right way (be sensitive, it’s a narrow line to tread, you don’t want to be perceived as arrogant) then new prospects will really want to work with you. An added benefit is that they can become walking advertisements for your business if they put exceptional effort into their training. Word of mouth is a great way of advertising and if the message spreads you should find that customers are coming to you which means you have to spend less time looking for them.

Many personal trainers see a problem when clients return to their old ways because they cannot keep pace with the demands o the program. This is where your true test lies. You should be able to motivate your clients to be accountable to you for their eating habits and lifestyle even after the session is over. Only if they feel the constant pressure will they perform. You should also be able to give your clients tips on following the right diet. You may not be certified to give them detailed menus but you can certainly explain to them various basic truths about food.

The following are the final thoughts about the benefits of Mosman personal training and how it can help you manage your weight better. What’s Your Story – I used to be overweight, ate the wrong foods and my confidence was low! Now I’m a personal trainer, diet author and TV presenter. My confidence is through the roof and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. What’s your story? Find one and use it in your marketing. People love to hear that you’ve had to slug it out and you’ll hit them on another level.

Learn more about Mosman Personal Training and about getting great fitness help.

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