mononucleosis symptom

Mononucleosis is a viral infection that is caused by either the Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus. Many individuals are exposed to the virus-causing agent while young yet display little to no indication of infection. The disease causes signs of intense, prolonged fatigue, fever, sore throat, weight loss, and lymphodema and is commonly found to affect adolescents and young adults. Incubation and length of symptoms can be as long as several months. Treatment of mononucleosis, therefore, will be a prolonged affair but the effects of the disease can be mollified. Also known as the “kissing disease”, mononucleosis can be treated naturally to combat the symptoms. Treatment of mononucleosis can be done in the comfort of the home, without medication.

Drinking a cup of apple cider vinegar and honey can be helpful in the treatment of mononucleosis. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar will flush away toxins and cleanse the back of the throat while honey acts as a lubricant to provide sore throat relief. Drinking frequently as needed will ease the pain and accelerate recovery. This specific treatment of mononucleosis is excellent for providing an immediate remedy to this problem.

The number one suggested home remedy for the treatment of mononucleosis is bed rest. Since the body is fighting a viral infection, full attention of the body’s defense systems should be concentrated on fighting off foreign species. For the same reason, the affected should not participate in intense physical activity. Strenuous exercise could also lead to the rupturing of the spleen which should be avoided at all costs.

In some cases of mononucleosis after two or three days in addition to flu-like symptoms a patient may experience more severe conditions such as swollen lymph nodes, a sudden appearance of jaundice (a person’s skin and eyes turn yellowish). Sometimes one of the symptoms of mononucleosis is the appearance of little red spots that resemble bruises and appear in the mouth area. Abdominal pain is also not uncommon for mononucleosis patients. Occasionally a measles-like rash can appear on a person’s face or body one of the symptoms of mononucleosis. Some rear symptoms of mononucleosis may include cough, stiff neck, nosebleed, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

There is no treatment or drug for the kissing disease mono, however, because it is a cold based virus it will usually go away after it has run its course. Each individual symptom may be treated by getting plenty of bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling warm salt water and using cough drops. Tylenol which contains acetaminophen or Ibuprofen may be taken to help control any fever.

A healthy, well-balanced diet has been proven to help a person recover from Mononucleosis quicker. One
should make sure that his or her diet consists mostly of fruits, vegetables, grains and unprocessed foods. That will allow for the body to get enough of the vitamins and minerals that boost the immune system. Processed foods and foods that are high in fat or sodium should be avoided.

Do you want to find info on mononucleosis treatments – Mononucleosis Treatments, then go to our website to find the latest info on Herbal Medicines For Mononucleosis, Herps, and Shingles for you.

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