mononucleosis symptom

Mononucleosis is a viral infection caused by the Epstein-Bar virus. It exhibits flu like symptoms such as: swollen lymph nodes, throat pain, fevers, muscle weakness, and chills. This viral infection is most commonly detected in teens and young children. Although , it is usually diagnosed in children , adults are not excluded from obtaining the virus. It is important to know the facts about mono kissing disease because, it can easily go unrecogonized.

These white blood cells actually attack red blood cells that are infected by the herpes type virus that causes the mononucleosis symptom of tiredness. Red blood cells are needed to fulfill all the functions of a healthy body.
White blood cells are needed to attack and to kill invading virus organisms. When the body is fighting an attack by an invading organism, it will signal a shut down of activity and actually initiate fatigue. The body needs to concentrate all of its internal functions into destroying the invading viral attack.

The symptoms of mono the kissing disease start off by with the average signs of being ill. Most of the time you can expect a sore throat, a headache, and just a tired weak feeling. Your tonsils will more than likely start to swell up and turn a white color. Your lymph nodes on your neck will swell up. You can just touch the outside of your lymph nodes on your neck to generally know if they are swollen up or not. If you have these symptoms you should make sure to go to a doctor. You may not have mono the kissing disease. You should never diagnose yourself through what you think you know. Always visit a doctor.

The kissing disease mono can be prevented by getting a vaccination. Once you have been given the vaccination you will develop a resistance making it next to impossible to get a bout of it. Another sure way not to get the very infectious disease is to avoid undo contact while the disease is active.

A natural solution for treatment mononucleosis would be to use salt water to gargle with. If you have a severe sore throat try sucking on ice, drinking tea with honey in it, and frozen fruit bars and Popsicles might help to relieve some of the soreness during treatment mononucleosis. Another aid with the sore throat would be to place small amounts of apple cider vinegar in warm water to help the sore throat.

Mono the kissing disease is a serious illness that can be very dangerous if left untreated. If you think that you might have mono you should not hesitate and go visit a doctor. Be safe and be healthy!

Do you want to find info on mononucleosis chronic – Mono can lead to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, then visit our site to find the latest advice on Infectious mononucleosis for you.

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