Make Your Stomach Flat With These Exercises

As the weather turns warmer, people start thinking about losing excess weight they have put on during the winter. These several exercises can help you shed that excess turkey weight and flatten out that stomach in time for beach season. As with any other physical routine, make sure you discuss your plans with your doctor and you warm up before exercising.

Before taking on any type of exercise routine, make sure you are properly warmed up and you have discussed your plans with your health provider.

Lift up your body to rest on the forearms, so that your elbows are kept at a ninety degree angle under your shoulders. Raise your body up in the air, keeping your lower portion supported by your toes, and your upper portion supported by your forearms. Keep your body straight, without drooping your back. Stay in position for twenty seconds and then drop slowly back to the floor. You can limit this to one repetition.

Side Plank This stomach exercise is a variation on the previous one, and begins in the same starting position. Once you are positioned properly, roll to your right side, keeping your torso supported with your right forearm. Place your left foot on top of your right. As in the plank, your body will be a straight line, but this time you will be on one side. Place your left hand on your hip and hold the plank position for five seconds. Return to start and repeat on the left side. Give the ball roll a chance. If you just quickly glanced at the title, you may have gone to find a ball before reading on.

If you did, you have wasted your time, since in this exercise the ball is you! You will start by sitting on the floor and hugging your knees by pulling them to your chest. Roll a bit until you are able to balance yourself on your tailbone. Pull in your abdominal muscles as you roll on your lower back and the upper part of your buttocks. Contract your abdominals and pull yourself back to the starting position. Loosening your arms up may help if you find this exercise too difficult at first. Standing Crossover This exercise is done in a standing position. Set your feet a few inches apart. Put your arms out to the sides and bend your elbows at a ninety degree angle so your fingertips are pointing to the ceiling and your palm are facing forward. Contract your stomach muscles and bring up the right knee to touch the left elbow while at the same time you bring the left elbow down to meet the right knee. Once they have touched, return to your starting position. Alternate sides and continue repetitions for a full set.

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