Itching During Pregnancy and it’s Causes

Itching during pregnancy comes in 3 different varieties. The first is itching that occurs on or in the vagina. The second is itching on the skin of the abdomen, arms, or legs. The third is general itchiness all over the body that is related to symptoms of puppp jaundice caused by liver issues. We’ll talk about all three of these in turn.

Itching on the vagina is one of the most common forms of itching during pregnancy. It is normally caused by either a yeast infection or hormones. The only way that you’re going to know if its a yeast infection is if you’ve had one before. Once you’ve had at least one yeast infection, you’ll never mistake the symptoms. Your vagina will look red and irritated, and will have a white substance on it (this is the yeast). If it looks like it might be a yeast infection, then you easily cure your itch by using an over the counter treatment such as Lotrimin. On the other hand, if your pussy isn’t exhibiting these symptoms, it could simply be hormones. If you’ve already tried a yeast infection cure, or don’t want to bother since it doesn’t appear to be a yeast infection, then your only choice is to visit your doctor, who will prescribe you a prescription treatment.

If you are experiencing acute itchiness on your private parts, then there is a quick remedy that I actually discovered on my own. I accidentally discovered that hot water can work wonders. This is because the hot water releases histamines in your skin, which make the itchy skin go away! What I did was to run the water in the tub as hot as I could stand it. I then laid down in the tub and spread my legs so that the water would run directly onto my “lady parts”. The relief that I felt as the water hit me was orgasmic. It felt like a million tiny little fingers scratching the itch in the most wonderful way.

Initially I wasn’t sure why this worked so well, but after doing some research, I found that running hot water on any itchy part of your body releases histamines that immediately quell the itch. You can even do this if the itch is the result of a rash. It’s the same effect as if you were to put an anti-itch cream on it, except the relief is immediate, and you get it without applying an potentially harmful chemicals or compounds onto your skin. And when you’re pregnant, you want to protect your baby from anything chemical or unnatural.

In the next article, we’ll discuss what to do when your itching during pregnancy occurs on a part of your body other than your crotch, such as your arms, legs, or baby bump (babycenter). Many pregnant women experience this as soon as the first trimester, and it can run all the way through the time that you pop out your child. If you’re experiencing itching during pregnancy, then I highly recommend you check out my next blog post.

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