Is it Time to Lose Weight?

I’m sure that plenty of people have told that losing weight is important to be healthy – most people have a lot more fat than they think they do, and unless you are exceptionally thin (think celebrity model) losing some weight can only help you – as long as you do it healthily, of course! Now the real question is, when should you start? Some people will tell you you need to be dieting now, but really, the best time to begin trying to lose weight is when you feel completely motivated, otherwise you won’t get very far. So, is now the right time for you?

No-one can tell you when the right time for you to start is, but a good way to think of it, is to ask yourself whether you are overweight. Not just if you’re a little heavily built, but really, are you overweight? If you are, and you can say it, then now is probably a good time for you to start – if you wait until you are obese, it will be a lot harder to lose the weight again. The more fat you have, surprisingly, the harder it can be to get rid of it.

I have been coaching people to lose weight and get fit for many years now, and I remember one particular case, not too long ago. A man named Sean was so heavily overweight, he looked like an ugly version of Santa. And I can say that, because today, you wouldn’t know it to look at him! He completely turned his life around, and now has a completely healthy weight. At the time, he suffered from sleep apnea, which prevented him from ever getting a good nights sleep. This in turn made him feel tired during the day, and had his co-workers calling him lazy. Needless to say, as soon as he lost the weight, he could sleep well again, and his life improved dramatically.

We had known each other for some time, but he never asked me for health advice. It as as if he didn’t even know he was overweight. That was, until…

It all hit him, when one of his friends didn’t invite him to his birthday party!

At first he didn’t know why, but he soon realized that it was because of his weight. After thinking about it, he realized that a lot of people were treating him differently because of it, from getting poor service in business, to having trouble finding a woman – it was then that he decided the time was right to lose weight.

He asked me for advice, which I was more than happy to give. A year later, Sean has not only lost several pounds, but also felt better and more energetic. He is now not only able to sleep properly but also perform his regular activities without a problem. He is always full of energy and enthusiasm!

As you can see, Sean waited for the right time before he started his weight loss efforts. Before you start your weight loss journey, ask yourself if it is the correct time for you to lose weight! Why do you want to lose weight? Are you unable to bear the weight of your fat belly any longer? Do you feel that of late you’ve become lazy? Are you unable to get promotions in your job? Are you getting turned down for dates? Does your doctor advise you to lose weight? Whatever it is, when you decide that it is time to shed those extra pounds, take action! You WILL succeed!

For more articles and advice on ways to lose fat, check out the authors site, where you’ll find more information regarding what to do to lose weight.

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