Is It Possible To Have A Dialogue With God The Creator
A dialogue is a form of communication that takes place between two people irrespective of the form and medium used to pass the information. The time again does not always matter in case. The sender is able to send the message but we do not necessary sure whether the reply will be in form of actions performing what was asked or just sender the reply in form of another information for that matter. A dialogue with God is the communication that takes place between man or human beings and their creator.
In the past most Christians used to communicate to Him verbally, where they talk to Him as they receive the feedback immediately. Though some took a longer time to be answered but the most important thing is that all the prayers and messages sent to Him were answered in a timely manner and comprehensively.
When we look at that point of time in memory, we are able to realize that this was one of the hardest things to do, leaving ones people, country and the society where he was actually raised up to go to a foreign land was very difficult task to do. But we are able to see him leave and walk towards the direction where he was told to.
At the point of creation, the communication between God and man was at its extreme to the highest degree, He loved man and often times He used to visit man in the Garden of Eden just to communicate to him. He even used to present Himself to Adam and Eve so that they may be able to visualize His love for them.
There are so many instances where God communicated with the people directly through the word of mouth. The prophets were the most important vessels that He used to pass His message to His people. In Old Testament we see the different prophets in Israel give instructions and warnings from God as well acting as His agents to bless those who were righteous.
During the era, still under the Old Testament, God used to communicate only to His servants, the prophets like Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha and many other not forgetting prophets Nathan and Samuel.
So in the Old Testament, there was an existence of direct dialogue between man and God. In the New Testament, we Him bring and offer His son as a living sacrifice to the human beings, and this changed the mode of communicating to Him. Instead of communicating to Him, the Christian by then use pass through Jesus to reach Him in their prayer.
They do, and it is commonly done through prayers. The earlier writings about God which were transformed into Bible depict the type of communication which exists in the present world. God inspired the writings of these books and verses in the Bible.
Through reading the and understanding the biblical teachings, we are able to get the expectations of God which we are to internalize and then put in to action, in return we are also able to present our problems and thanks to Him through prayers that pass through Jesus our savior. This represents the modern way of having a dialogue with God
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