IBS Relief

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a very common medical disorder plaguing many people ” both men and women alike. The sometimes excruciating symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, constipation, and diarrhea ” or sometimes alternating periods of both, often make the IBS victim unwilling to seek the advice of a health care professional for IBS relief. Often times, doctors will dismiss IBS symptoms as being nervous stomachs or misdiagnosis them as a stomach bug, prompting unneeded antibiotic treatment. Other doctors still believe IBS is in the head, a manifestation of psychological illness. But no matter is causing your IBS pain and discomfort, IBS sufferers need real IBS relief.

Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known, stress and poor diet seem to be the aggravating factors. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a precursor to more serious problems like bowel cancer and doesn’t damage the lining of the colon. Hemorrhoids can form in untreated and long time suffers.

The causes are believed to be nuerological in nature. The problem begins when your brain fires signals to your intestine which causes food to be moved too quickly or too slowly. This hurts the normal digestive process that
you have. IBS is often associated with stress, anxiety and sleep disorders. These attacks may be triggered by stress on the job when you cannot meet deadlines or your boss is always finding fault with your work. Stressful events like the death of someone close or losing a job suddenly will cause this illness.

Normal digestion occurs when the muscles in the intestines contract to move food and waste through the body. Irritable bowel syndrome is usually caused by those muscles contracting harder and longer than in a normal person without the syndrome. Doctors usually diagnose a person with irritable bowel syndrome after several tests have ruled out more serious problems.

The role of diet is very important in the cause and relief of irritable bowel syndrome. Certain foods such as milk can cause diarrhea while others like fruit and soda can cause bloating and abdominal cramping.

Diet is an important component of managing IBS, along with a stress-reduced lifestyle and appropriate medicine. Bavolex naturally balances and soothes the bowel and intestines. Doctor-recommended Bavolex features healthy ingredients such as lemon balm, ginger and fennel seed to naturally reduce the uncomfortable and painful symptoms associated with IBS. Adding Bavolex to a healthy lifestyle can bring strong relief to IBS sufferers–naturally.

Learn more about constipation irritable bowel. Stop by our site where you can read all about Best Tips To Help IBS With Constipation.

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