How to Not Consume Too Much Electrical Energy Daily

Compared to other countries worldwide, the United States squanders electricity the most. Our planet is facing very tough issues like pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer so it is imperative that we do our best to save energy and, in turn, save our environment.

In this article, we will talk about several things that you and I can do to not simply save power but save a little money at the same time. These are extremely simple things that any person can do, you only need to make the decision to do them in order to help planet Earth and ourselves.

Merely switching off the lights every time you go out of a room in your house is one of the easiest things you can do to save energy. Many of us likely temporarily leave the living room lights switched on when we run to the kitchen to get food because we think we are coming right back. If you do this even for only two times every day, that is about 30 minutes of squandered electrical energy for just this one light. While it may not look like much, the sad truth is millions of people are doing the exact same thing day in and day out. And every soul who does this is consuming 182 hours of electricity annually for merely this one light. Now try multiplying that by just 1 million people. The amount adds up to an astounding 182 million hours of wasted electrical energy that is essentially coming from one single room in every person’s home.

Aside from leaving the lights on when leaving a room, many of us turn the lights on when walking into a room. It’s something many people do without thinking. I tend to catch myself doing the very same thing too. The issue is that most of the time, there is sufficient light coming into a room. You are going to nevertheless go in and turn the light on. And aside from that, because of the natural light coming in, we have the tendency to forget we flipped the room light on in the first place and leave it on for the rest of the day. You only have to make a conscious effort to not flip the lights on during the day unless you have to.

Those who leave their televisions and radios on the whole day, when they are not even in the same room is one of the biggest problems. When I come visit my mother, I have to remind her to turn the TV off since she would leave it running even though she’s not watching. That’s a great deal of electricity being squandered. Thus, if you are not watching TV, just flip it off.

These are just a couple of easy things that can be done every day to help save energy and to help save the Earth by doing so. It doesn’t take a lot to do what we explained but if each person does it, regardless of how little it may appear, it will have a great positive result.

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