How to Live A Normal Life Despite Excessive Facial Sweating

Facial sweating can be embarrassing even under normal circumstances of strenuous physical activity. When it is excessive and uncontrollable, it becomes a major problem that can permanently jeopardize a sufferer’s quality of life. Scientists refer to the condition as facial hyperhidrosis. No ultimate cure has yet been found for the affliction.

There are many speculations and controversy regarding the cause and treatment options for excessive facial sweating. Scientists believe it is a genetic disorder that is linked to the central nervous system. External and emotional factors such as anxiety fear and stressful situations can trigger or worsen the symptoms. The only certainty is that it has a devastating effect on the emotional and psychological well-being of people afflicted with this condition.

People suffering from excessive facial sweating will often take extreme measures to hide their affliction from the outside world. Without a strong support system or professional help, they can withdraw themselves completely from society and become hermits. The constant embarrassment and underlying fear of being ridiculed, aggravates the symptoms. The condition afflicts about three percent of the global population.

Because the condition normally shows up in the early adolescent years, factors like hormonal changes and imbalances cannot be ruled out as trigger or aggravating causes. In rare cases, it can also afflict younger or older people. The condition is not restricted to any specific age, race, gender or ethnic group and can afflict any person at any time.

It is also a myth that overweight people are more prone to the condition. The only certainty about the affliction is that it causes acute social embarrassment to the sufferers. They can become almost paranoid about appearing in public or taking part in social activities. The psychological damage it can cause can be horrendous if the person has no emotional support and is too shy to seek professional help.

Although no effective cure has been found yet, there are various ways to manage or control the affliction. Treatment varies from surgical to diet and natural remedies such as herbs and acupuncture. Blood tests to check for underlying hormonal imbalances or lack of essential electrolytes can also help to determine the cause.

The most basic methods to manage the symptoms are to wash or wipe the face as often as possible and using over-the-counter antiperspirants. Some people find relief by soaking a cloth in alcohol-based solutions to close the skin pores. Both methods only treat the symptoms temporarily and have no long-term effect.

A balanced diet and regular exercise can help to get rid of emotional tension. It also boosts the immune system and one self-confidence to cope better with the problem. Surgery and laser treatment can be used successfully, but it can be costly and cause complications.

Get a FREE Mini-Course and finally learn how to Stop Sweating and Think you may have Hyperhidrosis? Learn more about Hyperhidrosis Symptoms

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