How To Grow Hair Out Fast

When it comes to growing out your hair it might seem like a time consuming and even impossible task. There are some tips you can take and apply to your own hair that should help you grow out your hair faster plus has healthy beautiful hair.

1. If you find your hair grows slower than you think it should which is about half an inch a month on average – you might want to try taking a prenatal vitamin. Some women have found it increases the speed at which their hair grows sometimes to about 2 inches in 3 months. Some hairstylists recommend trying this method and there has been some success with it.

2. If you are going to use a flat iron to straighten your hair, you need to use a high quality product like a Chi iron rather than a cheap drug store version.

3. To grow hair out, wash your hair at least once a week. Additionally avoid over processing your hair with chemical styling products. Make sure to wear a silk scarf on your hair whenever you go to sleep to prevent friction between your hair and the pillowcase.

4. Using the right products is important if you want to grow hair out. Use high quality shampoo and conditioner rather than cheap store brands. Even on the days you don’t wash your hair, you should still condition it to keep it from drying out. And make sure to get a trim once a month to keep hair looking polished.

5. Eat a healthy and balanced diet will help to grow out your hair faster. Along with drinking lots of water, you should take a multivitamin and even Niacin will promote hair growth. Vitamins from a health food or vitamin store are usually the best choices.

6. Cardiovascular exercise is an excellent way to increase blood flow in the body and improve hair growth.

7. Getting enough protein is important to grow hair out because hair is made of protein. Eat foods like beans and lentils to increase your protein intake. Fruits, vegetables, and eggs are also good for your hair.

8. All natural hair growth products are great when you are trying to grow hair out. Choose products that contain herbs, vitamins, and essential oils such as rosemary and sage. It’s best to use essential oils rather than extracts because extracts are less potent.

9. If you purchase products from the drug store, check the label carefully for ingredients that can damage your hair. Avoid products that contain phosphates, sodium laurel sulfate, petroleum and mineral oil. Hormone based products can also damage your hair.

Use Mira hair oil which encourages blood flow to the scalp and helps hair grow out faster. It’s blend of herbs and oils are also great for deep conditioning.

Want to know how to grow hair out then download a free book that shows you the secrets on how to grow hair out fast

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