Hemorrhoid Home Remedies

Hemorrhoids pain is from a swelling or inflammation of the blood vessels in and around the anus. The pain from hemorrhoids can be mild and intermittent, or almost excruciating and constant, or anywhere in between. There are a number of ways to alleviate the pain, some taking care of the pain only, and others that try to fix the problem.

When treatment is required, you should do the following to help minimize the pain and any possible infection of the hemorrhoids. Sit in a hot tub of water for 10 to 20 minutes, also known as a sitz bath. Keep the anal area clean, by using a mild soap. Only dab the area after having a bowel movement. Do not use harsh rubbing of the area. Keep the hemorrhoids and anal area dry. You may use a talcum powder and some tissue to help absorb the moisture.

There are alot of over the counter treatments and solutions available for the tratment of hemorrhoid as well. They are included in the same classification of medicines for the treatment of itching and burning symptoms. These include ointments, gels and foams, they can be easily applied by using your finger.

In looking for a way to stop hemorrhoids pain you should try and ascertain the reason for the problem in the first place. A big cause of hemorrhoids is constipation. If you are having trouble eliminating your stools, and are straining to do so, that could be the reason for the hemorrhoid episode. There are many effective natural cures for constipation. One of the easiest and most effective natural laxatives is apple cider vinegar. Drink a cupful of warm water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in it when you notice you are having trouble, and before you now it you will get relief. The swelling will go down when you are no longer straining and the hemorrhoids pain will go away.

Hemorrhoid sufferers often seek treatments in a doctors office. A common procedure is banding hemorrhoids which will likely be considered by a doctor. Banding hemorrhoids involves the removal of hemorrhoids by placing a rubber band around it, effectively cutting off the blood supply. After a couple of weeks, the hemorrhoid will fall off. Unfortunately, banding hemorrhoids can cause several complications. These include infection, blood clots which will cause further problems with hemorrhoids, increased discomfort instead of pain relief, and excessive bleeding. These complications make many people wary of banding hemorrhoids.

Bleeding internal hemorrhoids can be removed with surgery, your doctor can help you decide if you need to have them taken out by cutting, or laser or even with a cauterizing procedure.
It may be that surgery will not be needed and one of the other treatments will serve just as well. There are chemical treatments avaliable that will shrink the bleeding internal hemorrhoid. There is also a treatment where a rubber band is placed on the base of the hemorrhoid that will cut off the blood supply and shrink the hemorrhoid.

Learn more about hemorrhoids ointment – New Hemorrhoid Treatment – The Right Ways To Relieve Your Hemorrhoids. Stop by our website where you can learn all about Home Cures Hemorrhoids – Home Remedy For Constipation – Hemorrhoid Causes.

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