Got PMS – Consume Seven Cups Of Milk Each Day!


PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) normally happens between seven to fourteen days before menstruation (a woman’s monthly bleeding aka “period”) and then ceases once menstruation begins. It is probably due to changing hormone levels caused by her menstrual cycle and can affect any female at any time during her reproductive life but, unfortunately, tends to persist until post menopause.

PMS may be just a monthly pain to some or it may be so severe to others that it makes it difficult to even get through the day. The synergy between body and mind is especially important with such a condition, because premenstrual symptoms affect both your body and your emotions. Lifestyle alterations that get you exercising aerobically, eating more carefully, feeling more rested with less stress can all help lessen the symptoms.


Emotional and behavioral changes may include anxiety, depression, irritability, panic attacks, tension,lack of co-ordination, reduced work or social performance and altered libido. Women normally feel out of control at this time and this can produce the signs and symptoms of depression. The exact cause of PMS, headaches and depression are not known. It is generally believed that Premenstrual Syndrome, migraine and depression originate because of neurochemical changes within the brain. In one study, researchers found that women who received 1,200 mg of calcium carbonate each day for 3 menstrual cycles had a 50 percent diminishing of symptoms particularly mood swings or depression, pain, cravings, and water retention plus many of the other symptoms, also.


Treatment choices vary and each woman needs to find one that works for her. Of the estimated 40,000,000 sufferers, more than 5 million must have medical treatment for marked mood and behavioral changes. The problem with this approach when used for more than a few cycles, is that it fails to treat the underlying hormonal problems. Since 1953, hormonal therapies have been the choicen treatmentfor premenstrual distress/syndrome.

There are other treatments which have been suggested, although research on these is indecisive so far such as Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Manganese and Tryptophan. Even without therapy, symptoms tend to decrease in perimenopausal women, and vanish completely at menopause. Treatment studies are becoming increasingly more focused and will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the menstrual cycle and the effects of hormones on human behavior.

The true incidence and nature of PMS has only recently been recognized by some doctors, and its cause and treatment are still being studied. Although the numbers are staggering the medical profession remains at odds when it comes to ascertaining a cause, diagnosis and effective treatment.


PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is a term utilized to describe a cluster of physical and emotional distresses taking place late in the post ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle and sometimes overlapping with menstruation. It may continue for up to two weeks before menses and can continue throughout your entire cycle. Premenstrual Syndrome can start at any time during the years that a woman menstruates.

In a recent study, females who consumed seven cups of milk each day (double the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D) were 40% less apt to have symptoms of premenstrual syndrome than women who consumed 1 cup or less of milk each day. Yoga may help you relax and reduce some of the moodiness many females experience as part of PMS. Other techniques can help you to get through it as well. Be sure to check with your doctor prior to taking any medication for Premenstrual Syndrome.

Ricardo Henri is the owner of arternative Remedies,Treatments And Cures,a website with extensive information about taking care of your own health without relying on medications and needless surgery. Subscribe to his monthly newsletter @ arternative remedies cures

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