Fishy vaginal Odor is Not Nice
Vaginal odor is mostly caused from inflammation of the vaginal area. This is almost always a result of an infection in or around the vagina. The commonest infection that causes this fishy vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis.
What is bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is a unnatural vaginal condition that is most frequently recognised by a fishy discharge from the vagina. This is a result from an overgrowth of standard bacteria in the vagina. You may have heard about Gardnerella vaginitis. This is what this condition used to be called. It was named after the bacteria that was thought to cause the condition.
New research found that there are many different types of bacteria that live naturally in the vaginal area. Gardnerella is not the only bacteria causing all the odor. The name of this condition has been modified to bacteria vaginosis to reflect these new discoveries. When all the different species of bacteria become imbalanced, you will observe a vaginal leakage that's associated with a fishy odor.
Bacterial vaginosis is not a STD. It isn't passed by sex. It is extremely embarrassing and disturbing but it's not deadly. If you notice a peculiar discharge, you should have it checked so that you can cross out chlamydia and gonorrhea which are serious illnesses.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis?
The leading indicators of bacterial vaginosis are a nasty, fishy odor and a grayish white discharge. The amount of the discharge varies so there isn't any amount that is considered “normal”. There aren't any other symptoms. If you have a vaginal leaking that is unusual for you, it is a brilliant idea to see a health consultant to rule out all other conditions. Some women with bacterial vaginosis will experience no symptoms at all.
What causes bacterial vaginosis?
Current research has determined it's an imbalance of natural vaginal bacteria that causes bacterial vaginosis. The issue is it isn't feasible to determine which bacteria is out of whack. Therefore, locating the offending bacteria and eradicating it's not a solution.
How is bacterial vaginosis diagnosed?
Generally, your doctor will perform a pelvic examination to reign out other, more serious, Problems. A sample of the discharge will be picked up to look at under microscopic examination. Bacterial vaginosis can be distinguished from other common issues, eg yeast, with this microscopic examination.
There's a particular test your doctor can perform called a “whiff test”. A drop of potassium hydroxide testing solution is added to the discharge. The result is typically a strong fishy odour.
How does one treat bacterial vaginosis?
The most common treatment for bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics. Usually, onecourse of treatment is successful. A small percentage of girls will experience re-occurring symptoms within a month. Hence, a second course of antibiotics will be prescribed.
As girls, we know that taking antibiotics to heal that problem will almost completely cause another problem, yeast infection. That's why more women are looking for natural, herbal remedies for this problem. With the antibiotics, you are trading one problem for another, more difficult, problem.
Do you have an unwanted fishy vaginal odor? Any sort of fishy vaginal odor isn't good but is really easy to shed if you know what to do. Thats where my blog comes in, it is crammed with great information all about vaginal health