First Aid Tips For Dealing With Common Injuries

In this article we will be looking at a few first aid tips that you or anyone else can use. It is highly advisable that every home and car be equipped with a first aid kit to deal with emergencies. You should also have the ambulance’s phone number programmed into your phone and memorized. It is essential that your children learn this as well so that they can handle themselves in an emergency situation. We will now look at a few common medical problems and how you can apply first aid in both common and emergency medical situations.

The first common problem that we will look at is scalds and burns. These are usually caused by hot water, hot pots and pans or playing with fire. When this happens, you need to assess how serious it is so that you can decide whether it can be treated at home or if you need to call an ambulance. In either situation, you should try to cool the burn down by allowing it to run under cold water for ten minutes or more. After, you should dress it with a sterile dressing and raise the area to reduce any swelling.

The second common injury we will look at is a bloody nose. These are quite common in children and can be caused by digital trauma. This is caused by picking your nose too aggressively and rupturing a few blood vessels. You can stop the flow of blood by turning your body downwards and pinching just below the bridge of the nose.

Continuously apply pressure to the area for about five minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, then you should place a cold pack at the bridge of the nose. This should cause the blood vessels to constrict and reduce or stop the flow of blood. If it continues, you should definitely get the person to a doctor right away.

The next issue we will look at is that of broken bones. Kids, teenagers and adult are prone to getting broken bones, fractures, muscle injuries and more. However, when this happens, you need to take quick action. You should first determine how bad the injury is and if they can go to a hospital or if you need to call an ambulance. If you need to call an ambulance, you should try to prop up the area using pillows and blankets to prevent further damage.

The next issue we will look at is insect bites. The fact of the matter is that there are probably lots of insects and other stinging animals in your home. These include spiders, scorpions, beetles and other unidentifiable bugs.

There are lots of different types of biting animals such as scorpions, spiders, beetles and many others that are difficult to identify. If you are bitten, you should immediately try to apply a cold pack on the area which will reduce any swelling and prevent tissue damage. However, you should only apply the pack for twenty minutes on and twenty minutes off. If you get develop any serious problems like chest pains, short breath, involuntary movements etc, you need to call an ambulance right away.

We have just looked at a few injuries and problems that are sure to pop up in everyday life and the common first aid solutions and the appropriate First aid supplies to use.

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