Find Eczema Relief With A Proper Diet

By simply avoiding certain foods and making sure you eat others, you can gain control over your eczema. Your skin condition can be tremendously impacted in ways that you didn’t realize or want, since many foods can trigger allergic reactions that lead to an eruption of eczema. To find eczema relief and to really regain the upper hand, you have to pay attention to your diet.

On any given day you eat foods that may or may not be helping your situation. Some foods may not affect you one way or another, but obviously if you’re having a problem with skin irritation you may want to rule these out. Using common sense when you plan your meals will go far to help clear things up.

Some of these foods are perhaps the worst of the bunch, and they include: wheat, shellfish, oranges and lemons, strawberries, tomatoes and corn, and cow’s milk and eggs. Surprised? Many of these foods are pushed as solid dietary choices, but can actually be causing your skin to break out.

Keep in mind that we’re all going to react in our own unique way to these foods – don’t rule out scrambled eggs or milkshakes yet! Some people have a delayed reaction to trigger foods, and can even show symptoms a day later. Others will be far more sensitive and will erupt in eczema once they touch the foods to their lips. Keep abreast of these triggers and how they affect you.

Eczema presents a variety of symptoms. Some may include an inflammation of the skin (red, swollen), itchy eyes and sneezing, possibly abdominal pain, even diarrhea and emesis. Keeping a food journal is a great idea to remember what you ate in relation to your eczema eruption.

There are foods on the other side of the spectrum – foods that are therapeutic in eczema treatment. There is a history of studies that have been performed that show one tablespoon of flaxseed oil per day may help relieve symptoms. This may also be found in a powdered form so it can be eaten a variety of way, directly with your food.

Another overlooked food cure is the herbal supplement. Look for supplements like zinc that can improve your immune system response, and read the labels when you do that. Taking too much zinc can cause other problems you don’t need. There are a host of other herbs and supplements that will do wonders for your immunity, such as Vitamins A, C and E, as well as echinacea, elderberry extract and caterpillar fungus.

Getting control of your eczema will teach you to get control over your diet and other contributing factors. You will discover that doing so will expedite eczema relief and just may put an end to your suffering.

For more information, visit Best Eczema Treatment. They have a complete resource center including a Free Special Report, fun survey, a wealth of articles and some product reviews.

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