Evaluating the Concept 2 Rowing Exercise Machine

Concept 2 rowing machines began making their appearance some decades ago in 1981. The snowfall in Vermont, where Concept 2 rowing machines are mass-produced, compelled this company to begin producing them in answer to the harsh elements. The main goal is to make it possible to work out, or train, indoors if the rivers were all frozen and iced over. From the start, this company aimed to apply the best engineering and technology available in their rowers. I have the unique position to write about this since I have been using a Concept 2 for about 10 years. This article will review this special and versatile rower for those who are considering getting one to enjoy.

The Concept 2 company manufactures the Model D and E with the Model E rowing machine being pricier. If you wish to spend less, then the Model D is the model you want to purchase. EveryEvery last rowing machine comes standard with a performance monitor of which there are two types, the PM3 and PM4. The PM3 is a standard feature on the Model D rower with a choice to upgrade to the PM4. The Model E rowing exercise machine is accompanied by the PM4 monitor as standard equipment. You can expect to shell up to $350 more with the Model E rowing workout machine, and the Model D rowing machine has two different prices for the upgrades.

What is really helpful during exercising is you can use the performance monitors to determine your heart rate while working out. There is an enclosed pulse monitor worn across your chest, and there is a strap that holds it in place. There is no discomfort having it strapped because it is very thin with an elastic spandex strap. I can tell you from personal experience that you won’t notice it’s there while you are working out. There are no wires either since the info is transmitted to the monitor.

The Concept 2 design makes use of a flywheel assembly that you will use to generate the resistance and feel of rowing. There are no safety issues with this since the flywheel is totally enclosed in a plastic assembly. You can adjust the amount of resistance through a small lever located on the flywheel housing. There are also no concerns with noise as the overall rowing machine is almost silent during rowing. While you are rowing, the fan-like flywheel lets out a low level sound, and you can feel the air movement at certain angles. This moving air sound from the flywheel assembly is identical to a fan that is running very slowly. Unless somebody in the other room is an extremely light sleeper, you won’t be disturbing other people.

You can choose the type of performance metrics that best fits you from a simple to understand menu on either the PM3 or PM4. Just a few of the available rowing metrics include total rowing time, total distance rowed, 500 meter split times and number of strokes per minute. Your specific needs will help you in determining what you want to keep track of and what is not so crucial. Most of the rowers who compete at the tertiary level use the Concept 2 to condition themselves, so they will naturally pay attention to specific data types.

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