Effective Ice Therapy Methods

You can utilize ice in different ways to decrease pain. It is often applied only to the area that is injured. Often if people have very receptive skin they wrap a damp towel around the ice bag because the contact with the skin can trigger excessive skin damage. It is often times called ice burn.

Cover the part of your body to keep it warm and use the ice pack only on the injured area. If you can’t stand the cold towel, use the dry towel wrapped around the ice pack. But you should take into your account that damp towel provides more cooling effect.

You can use a frozen gel pack that is simple to freeze a lot of times. You can also apply ice cubes wrapped in a towel as an alternative. Ice cubes are often times used to make the rubdown of the injured area. This kind of massage is very effective as it can quickly eliminate inflammation. You should take the frequently and duration of the ice therapy usage.

The best solution is to use ice therapy approaches frequently until the swelling or pain vanish. Ice therapy techniques should be repeated frequently but for a very short time. Usually ice therapy is used for 5-10 minutes. Use five-minute repetitions during an hour until you see the swelling or pain decreasing. Stop the therapy if you see that the injured area is numb. Ice therapy is efficacious for the first twenty four hours. Some folks mustn’t utilize ice therapy if they have diabetes or heart disease. If you have an allergy to cold you can’t utilize the ice therapy approaches.

Acute injury can be treated more effectively with ice therapy. You should stop the ice application if you feel that you can’t stand it any more. Use compression after ice therapy. In this way you will significantly lessen the swelling and pain.

No doubt all the people at least once in their life suffered from pain. Luckily using hot packs one can relieve the pains. Of course, it’s not the only way as one can use ice gel or infrared heating pad. This is a good way to temporarily relieve pain till stronger means are available.

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