Does Hollywood’s Elite Love the Tracy Anderson Diet?

The latest and greatest Hollywood diet has come to light and stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Courtney Cox and Madonna seem to love it! Who can argue with some of Hollywood’s slimmest stars?

The critics are not embracing the Tracy Anderson diet, though. They believe the macrobiotic diet is a bit on the strict side and that average dieters will not be able to stick to the regime.

The Tracy Anderson diet only allows whole grains, vegetables, fruit and a little fish. So, the critics feel there could be dietary deficiencies such as a vitamin D deficiency or calcium deficit.

The Tracy Anderson diet is also pretty low in calories. Critics feel this could lead to rapid weight loss and eating disorders.

The other critics are the personal trainers which feel her exercises are too simplistic. Some of the exercises in the Tracy Anderson diet include pliates and arm circles. Trainers tend believe these exercises will not lend to sculpted arms and legs, and instead, women should be using weights and challenging the muscles more.

Loads of complaints by the critics, but the elite and general population seem to love the Tracy Anderson diet.

I’m sure the Tracy Anderson diet does work. Take a look at the physiques of Gwyneth, Madonna and Courtney and tell me it doesn’t! They look fantastic and healthy too! Why does Hollywood’s elite love the Tracy Anderson diet?

It may be strict, but the Tracy Anderson diet can also be viewed as a way of life. The diet is based on a macrobiotic diet, which literally means “great life.” If you begin eating naturally, as the diet advises, you’ll start to feel more energetic and realize you don’t miss the junk or animal protein.

Nutritional deficiencies? Gwyneth Paltrow was recently diagnosed with osteopenia, which means she has low bone density. This could just be genetics or the fact that she avoids sunlight. Take a supplement with the Tracy Anderson diet and catch some rays and likely, you’ll be okay. Also, eat plenty of dark leafy greens, which are a great source of calcium, especially if you add a little apple cider vinegar to the leaves.

In terms of rapid weight loss and eating disorders, you can adjust how quickly you lose weight by upping the amount of whole grains you eat to accommodate your energy needs. Eating disorders develop over time and stem from emotional problems, so unless you already suffer from an eating disorder, it’s not likely you’ll develop anorexia from the Tracy Anderson diet or any other diet.

And what of the trainer critique? Tracy Anderson’s exercises work because she does challenge the muscle through repetition. You may think those arm circles are nothing until you’ve done them a 100 times!

The stars love the Tracy Anderson diet but is it any good? Go there now-get a free ebook and discover what the Tracy Anderson diet can do for you!

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