Cruciferous Vegetables Help Fight Cancer

There are a special group of foods called cruciferous vegetables. They are known for helping the body fight off cancer. The veggies contains a phytochemical called isothiocyanates, which stimulates the body to break down carcinogens. In essence, these foods work to prevent healthy cells from transforming into cancerous cells.

There are several kinds of veggies that help prevent cancer. Some types of super veggies are brussels sprouts, cauliflower, daikon, broccoli, kale, radishes and mustard greens to name a few.

One of the best choices from the list above is broccoli. Broccoli has sulforaphane, which is an all natural chemical that helps the body kill carcinogens and produce enzymes. Sulforaphane is rich in the sprouts of broccoli and is richer in fully grown broccoli.

According to research, women and men, between the ages of 50 to 74, who ate at least four half-cup cooked serving of broccoli had a fifty percent chance of not developing colorectal cancer. This experiment was tested even further on lab rats.

Before the testing began, the one group of rats were given broccoli sprouts as a part of their daily diet. After a few day, the animals were injected with carcinogen. The lab rats that consumed the broccoli days earlier were found to have smaller cancer cells than the rats consuming a regular diet.

Research has been competed on a number of these veggies. People who consumed more than a half-cup of the veggies were forty-one percent less likely to develop cancer. The veggies also contain indole-3-carbinol. The compound is believed to help reduce hormone dependent cancers like breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

These supper foods can also reduce the risk of cancer by reducing oxidative stress. The body produces oxidative stress when there is an overload of molecules known as oxygen-free radicals. Reducing these harmful radicals has help reduce the risk of colon, prostate, breast and other cancers. More research and study is needed on this subject matter. Yet, it is considered safe to say there is enough evidence to support that these supper food are good choice for consumption. Read more about: cruciferous vegetables

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