Common Hives Causes – Knowing How To Treat The Problem From Its Root Cause

Hives or urticaria, as they are medically known are commonly caused by a lot of factors. The most well explained hives cause is when specialized cells in the skin release histamine. Most often, this release is because of an allergic reaction.

As soon as histamine is released, a certain skin fluid leaks from the blood vessel that cause a characteristic swelling in the skin. These swelling appear as red/ pink patches or welts. They can be localized in one area and has the potential to spread to other parts of the body depending on the severity of the outbreak.

Hives occur very frequently. Approximately 20% of the population is affected by it at one point in their lives. A large majority of the causes of hives are deemed to be idiopathic or autoimmune. This means that the cause is apparently hard to explain or recognize.

A lot of hives causes are difficult to pinpoint and explain. However, there are factors that are common among these cases.

– Allergic Reaction to food and food additives- If you have allergy to some foods like peanut, shellfish, eggs, chocolate, soy, wheat, milk, tomato, and fresh berries, it is essential that you stay away from those as they might contribute to hives. – Allergic reaction to certain medications for like those for high blood pressure, anti-psychotics, anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS), aspirin and painkillers can trigger the occurrence of hives. – Exposure to natural rubber latex like dishwashing gloves, adhesive tape, rubber bands and condom – Exposure to inhaled pollens and animal dander

Generally, hives that are triggered by an allergic food reaction resolves in a few days or a few weeks.

– Physical Exposure- This type affects five percent of the population with hives. Some people can get recurrent hives due to the direct physical stimulation of the skin from heat, sun exposure, cold, exercise, vibration, pressure and direct scratching or dermatographism can be risks as well. The type of hives that occurs because of these is generally localized and does not usually appear elsewhere. – Active infection and viral illnesses- Common colds in children, strep throat, fungal infections like athletes foot; and urinary tract infection may be associated with hives. Chronic infections like viral hepatitis, and helicobacter infection are common hives causes too. – Insect sting and bites- bee stings or any animal sting that releases animal saliva into the skin may result to outbreak of hives. – Stress- Physical and emotional stress like nervousness and depression can contribute to both acute and chronic hives. Drinking herbal teas can be a good remedy since teas are known to relieve common stress and tension.

As a medical condition, hives does not really pose a serious medical problem. However, most individuals find it very difficult to live with the condition. It is only understandable that patients of hives have varying techniques to control the intense itching, swelling and burning sensations that it is usually known for. It is important to remember though that the key lies in the identification of the primary cause itself.

Hives, like most skin condition, needs to be treated immediately as soon as it is detected. Taking the necessary steps to identify what causes hives and avoid them can be a very big help in its management and treatment.

Once the cause of a particular hives case is identified, it is not very difficult to remedy the problem with the right treatment regimen.

Find out more about the common hives causes. Check out some of the safest natural hives remedies and get rid of hives fast.

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