Cleaning Guidelines After Getting Your Nose Pierced

Do you like to get a little nasty? Do you like body art and piercings? Well, more and more people are taking the drastic step of getting their nose pierced. It is becoming almost mainstream in the US, although it has been a religious rite in Africa for centuries.

Don’t think getting your nose pierced is similar to getting other body piercings. First of all, it can lead to terrible infections and it can be painful. Plus, it may cause others to see you in a negative light. You can forget about wearing one in a professional work atmosphere. But if you’re intent on getting one you should take special precautions so it will heal correctly. Read on.

Step one in any type of piercing is to visit a doctor. Let him or her know what you are planning to do and ask for advice. They will let you know if it is advisable based on your health. It’s in your best interest to get a check up before you get it done.

After you have your nose pierced be sure to keep it clean. In fact be sure to clean it twice a day and remove any disgusting blood or ooze that may have crusted there. No one wants to see that. Keep your jewelry clean, as well.

When you’re cleaning your nose piercing be sure to use warm salt water and cotton balls. You won’t want to use hydrogen peroxide because it’s abrasive.

You’ll find that if you do play with your jewelry too much you can tear the hole or get a bacterial infection. Either one is not pleasant and can have nasty repercussions.

There another important reason not to touch your nose or jewelry too often – it can lead to nasty bacterial infections. Don’t risk getting sick. Playing with your jewelry can also cause it to bleed.

Don’t be surprised if your piercing causes your nose to swell. It’s not reason to panic but consult your doctor if it gets painful or doesn’t go down after a day or two.

I additionally pen articles about individual health plan.

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