Chronic UTI

UTIs, or urinary tract infections, affect millions of people every year. They are most common in women, but men and children are susceptible as well. UTIs occur when bacteria attaches to the urethra’s (the tube that lets urine flow from the bladder to the outside of the body) opening and multiply. Nearly all UTIs are caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), bacteria which normally lives in the colon. People suffering from urinary tract infections can experience frequent urination, back pain, burning when urinating, pressure around the bladder or generalized fatigue and weakness, while others have no symptoms at all.

A common natural UTI treatment is to flush the bacteria by drinking lots of water and other non-sugar based liquids. Flushing the bacteria from your urine helps to greatly diminish the painful side effects of a UTI. It is important to avoid sugar based liquids because they tend to encourage bacterial growth. The goal of naturally treating a UTI is to completely stop bacterial growth and remove the bacteria from your urinary tract system.

Another common treatment for uti is drinking lots of water. You should always drink lots of water when you have a uti, but if caught during the early stages, drinking lots of water to flush out the bacteria can cure the problem altogether.

Plenty of rest is key in fighting a UTI. Most of the time infections are the result of our bodies being run-down and compromised from our busy, stressful lives. Something as simple as getting the rest you need can help you body naturally fight off infection.

The symptoms of a UTI include cloudy urine, a strong odor, low fever and a painful, constant need to urinate. Many women also experience fatigue, nausea, and a general ill feeling. If the infection is mild, it may often go away on its own without an antibiotic. However, a prescription medication can be necessary to fully remove all the bacteria so that the UTI does not return.

A product is available that can do all of these things in one all natural, herbal supplement. Urizol ( is a herbal supplement that contains many ingredients that will fight any signs of infection in your urinary tract. It contains asparagus, a diruetic which will flush out your system. Urizol also contains cranberry and juniper to destry and prevent growth of bacteria. Urizol cleans and disinfects your urinary tract with an ingredient called Buchu. Buchu is a plant commonly used as a urinary tract disinfectant. Echinacea is also added to Urizol to boost your immune system and help fight infection. And to soothe your urinary tract, Urizol contains Marshmallow mucilage, which is commonly used for both UTI’s and kidney stones. Urizol is wonderful alternative to the expense of antibiotics, which can wreak havoc on your digestive system and have unpleasant side effects.

Looking to find info on uti ecoli – The Most Effective Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection – 3 Cures to Kill Urinary Infections, then visit our site to find the latest advice on Urinary Tract Cure – Drinking Cranberry Juice Doesn???t Always Work to Cure U.t.i for you.

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