Chronic Inflammation in the Body Leads to Diseases

One of the hallmarks of aging is loss of hormones. As individuals age, with appropriate hormone replacement, the aging clock may be slowed down. Along with hormone loss leading to aging, there is a large amount of environmental insults seen everyday including water contamination, stress, and food pesticides.

For too long the US has lived in a society that deals with the effects of aging. With antiaging medicine, the focus is on the causes of aging with the emphasis being prevention. The objective is to restore the body to optimal functioning levels.

There are thousands of environmental substances that humans intake these days. They include over ten thousand various chemicals used in food processing, and over 3,000 chemicals are added into the human food supply. When you consider air pollution, smog, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, and toxic waste pesticides, a considerable amount of free radicals are created in the body. We know that inflammatory reactions are caused by free radicals which can lead to chronic diseases.

The chemicals that are in the environment are mostly out of our control. Patients can maintain control over their lifestyle and diet, and making better choices in this department can lower the formation of free radicals and significantly contribute to one’s antiaging efforts.

During a time of injury, inflammation is triggered. It is the body’s natural healing mechanism and activates as soon as any microbial opponent is encountered. In the stages of wound healing, for instance, inflammation is the first phase. Taking anti-inflammatories may retard wound healing due to inhibition of this first phase.

There is some thought to chronic inflammation leading to disease processes that are harmful to the body. A test known as C-Reactive Protein tests active inflammation in the body. The normal CRP level is below 0.5 and if a patients is significantly higher it is a sign of increased chance of heart attack. Also there is an increased risk of stroke with increased CRP along with colon cancer risk.

The American Medical Association has put out a study showing that elevated systemic inflammation raises the risk of macular degeneration, which is the number one cause of blindness over age fifty five. Beyond true infections, such as urinary tract infections, increased CRP occurs with aging.

In order to decrease a chronic CRP elevation, these efforts may help:

Aspirin, ibuprofen, or statins

Vitamin K or vitamin E

Nettle leaf extract

Fish oil

Borage oil


The chronic inflammation resulting from a chronically elevated CRP may lead to numerous disease processes. Altering one’s lifestyle along with supplementing deficient hormones with bioidentical replacement can prevent them from becoming evident.

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