Chiropractor In Santa Clarita Offers Chiropractic Care For Children Safely

A Santa Clarita chiropractic doctor knows that 65 percent of neurological development takes place in the first year of life. As children grow, this development is further stimulated from the environment, interaction with others, touch, movement, play, and emotional experiences. The problem is that the process of development involves good and bad elements.

This means that, while a child is growing up, the environment has a major influence on how she or he develops. In addition, children develop mental and physical patterns that they take into adulthood. There is an increasing amount of science-related studies being done on human wellness and development.

Evidence indicates that correct musculoskeletal movement is essential to a child’s overall development. Correct movement comes from healthy activities such as running, walking, playing sport, climbing, and swimming. These activities help the musculoskeletal system (joints, muscles, ligaments, and bones) to grow properly and become strong.

The central nervous system affects every single cell in the body. This is why chiropractors focus on the health of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. They can help children develop normally. Chiropractors are able to evaluate and treat malfunctions in the spinal column or nervous system. Any dysfunction can send negative messages to the brain which hamper a child’s development and health.

Chiropractic therapy is totally safe for children when administered by a skilled, licensed practitioner. Using their hands, chiropractors apply natural, careful movements to examine the mobility of the spine and its supporting structures. If they encounter a problem, it can be rectified with a gentle adjustment. Often, applying light pressure with a fingertip is all that is needed.

There are certain symptoms displayed by children that indicate when a Santa Clarita chiropractic doctor should be consulted. Look out for poor balance or coordination, a tendency for the head to turn or tilt to one side, shoulder tilt, emotional insecurity, insomnia, tendency to get sick frequently, recurring allergies, and behavioral problems. These could all signify a neurological or spinal malfunction.

The professionals at Santa Clarita Chiropractic center provide care for both children and adults. You can learn more about the benefits of early chiropractic care when you visit the website at now.

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