Cardiovascular Disease – How It Affects Women

Cardiovascular disease, also known as CVD, is the number one killer of men and women of all ethnic groups in the United States. Cardiovascular diseases include such ailments as high blood pressure, arrythmia, valve disease, congestive heart failure and stroke. Though worries of more “high profile” diseases such as breast cancer are on the forefront in many women’s minds, the hard truth is that one in four women are affected with some form of cardiovascular disease.

High blood pressure, obesity, abnormal blood glucose, as well as the use of tobacco are just some examples of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. To help prevent manifesting themselves as cardiovascular disease later on, these factors can be muted if they are caught at an early stage.

By altering your lifestyle, you can help lower your chances for cardiovascular diseases. Physicians would suggest ways that can assist in lowering your chances for cardiovascular disease and these suggestions would include alterations as eating a diet that is low in fat and cholesterol, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet, drinking enough water daily, and exercising for half an hour a day.

Cardiovascular diseases are known as silent killers, as they often have no symptoms. You should speak to your doctor about the many tests available if you think that you may be having any symptoms of heart disease. Doctors would usually start with simple tests and more complex tests are what the results may lead to.

In connection with cardiovascular disease, when there is an irritation in the lower part of the heart’s pumping chambers, then extra heartbeats would typically occur. They interrupt the normal heart rhythm, which can feel like a missed beat. Either this is just a harmless quirk in the functions of your body or this can lead to problems that are far more serious.

A woman should contact her doctor right away if she has these palpitations or any other symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, or shortness of breath. A complete medical history, physical exam, and other tests will be run to determine the cause of these behaviors, which can be anything from stress-related behavior to something far more dangerous. The physician’s advice as well as his consultation where heart disease is concerned is the only thing you should consider.

Explore health current events for information on healthier living including the link between exercise and mental health.

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