Aromatherapy Basics – How It Came To Be And Its Numerous Benefits And Applications

Aromatherapy, which uses essential oils and herbs, have long been used to help a person recover from a myriad of health issues. It is a time-tested practice and earliest records of its use can go as far as six millennia ago. Frankincense essential oils for example were extensively used by Ancient Egyptians and Greeks to deepen the breath and still the mind. The smoke coming from burning the hardened resin were also thought to have antiseptic qualities and were popularly used then to ‘cleanse’ homes and places of worship.

Although essential oils have been used for therapeutic purposes for almost six millennia, the term aromatherapy was only used beginning in the 1920s. It was first used in the 1920s by Rn-Maurice Gattefoss , who is a chemist. As story goes, he discovered the healing properties of lavender essential oil when he accidentally burnt his hand during an explosion in his lab. Gattefoss, armed with the knowledge of aromatherapy, came to the aid of soldiers who were wounded during the World War I. In the 1950s, the science of aromatherapy has permeated even the healthcare environment as nurses and doctors have began to use and recommend it to patients.

The actual dynamics of aromatherapy is not well understood, just the same, numerous researches attest to its efficacy. It is believed that the scents stimulate certain parts of the brain and influence physical, emotional, and mental health. Lavender essential oil for example is thought to act in the same way as some sedatives and as such helps in alleviating anxiety and sleep disturbances. It is also used for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The herbs and essential oils used in aromatherapy have many different uses. Frankincense essential oil, for instance, have been traditionally used for asthma, arthritis and bowel disorders such as colitis. Peppermint oil has been reported to relieve nausea and vomiting. For women, sage and fennel are known to help alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.Several essential oils have found their way into several hygiene products and have also been used extensively in massage therapies. Testimonials of those who have used aromatherapy products are quite telling of the efficacy of these products.

Remember though that these oils may react with your body in a way that is not exactly therapeutic. Some people who have used lavender essential oils reported that they got sunburned easily. These substances can react to certain hormones and chemicals, hence, people with cancer or those undergoing chemotherapy should seek doctor’s advice prior to starting any aromatherapy regimen.

Not getting enough sleep?. Lavender essential oil may just help you get some much needed shut eye naturally. For more information on other aromatherapy products, like frankincense essential oil, click here.

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