Vericose Veins

Varicose and spider veins are common medical complaints that result when blood flow from outlying parts of the body back to the heart becomes compromised. Veins in the leg are the most commonly affected, particularly on the back of the calf. These veins contain a series of leaflet valves that allow only upward blood movement. Transport of blood up the leg to the heart proceeds via ladder-like steps through this series of valves. Varicose and spider veins result when vein walls develop poor tone, causing valve malfunction. Blood then stalls out on its upward journey and may even move down the leg. Valve malfunction in smaller vessels produces spider veins. In larger ones, varicose veins result. The characteristic color of varicose and spider veins, observable only for veins near the surface, derives from the bluish-red tint of oxygen-depleted venous blood.

Exercise is another form of treatment of varicose vein removal. Low impact exercise such as walking and swimming are ways to improve circulation and improve muscle tone. Also stretching and exercises that improve circulation and maintain a healthy living routine prevent the development of varicose veins in the future. Most people find relief from the pain that varicose veins cause by elevating their feet on a chair, putting a pillow in between their knees at night or laying flat on the floor.

A healthy diet is another way to naturally treat spider leg veins. Foods that are high in cholesterol can clog veins causing a greater restriction in blood flow. Diets with high ratios of fruits and vegetables supply needed vitamins, which help with spider leg veins. Vitamin K increases vein flexibility and is instrumental in healing blood-clotting issues. Other vitamins that can help cure spider leg veins are vitamins A, C, and D.

Spider veins result from leakage of blood from weakened or damaged arteries. When leg muscles pump blood back to the heart for re-oxygenation and encounter weakened vessels, blood leaks through and pools, forming spider veins. These tiny, dilated blood vessels range in size from .5 to one millimeter in diameter and appear predominately on the legs. Spider veins themselves are not a threat to one’s health; however, they result from conditions that may already be or could become serious. It is for this reason effective spider vein treatment depends on protecting and insuring the integrity of blood vessels inside our body.

Other product in the market suggestive to be effective for varicose veins removal is the Vitamin K cream. The cream is applied to the skin and absorbed by the fat and then will travel to the bloodstream. Vitamin K helps maintain normal coagulation in the body and prevents the hardening of the arteries and swelling thus preventing varicose veins

Widely used as an effective spider vein treatment in Europe, VENOVIL is a wholly natural supplement based on current, scientific research and clinical trials. The bioflavonoids and enzymes contained in VENOVIL have proven efficacy for prevention and minimization of unsightly spider veins.

Find out more about leg varicose vein. Stop by our site where you can find out all about Put An End To Your Fear of Varicose Veins.

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