Should Beauty Products Ought To Have an Expiry Date Just Like Food Does?

Many of us never consider the fact that the cosmetics and beauty product merchandise they buy do not have expiry dates. We’ve never been raised to believe that they could “expire” and so many folks happily use products for years after they have been made. “Is this wrong?” you could ask. Well, let’s research it. Every living thing begins to grow worse once it's no longer attached to its source. For plant life, that occurs when it is plucked out of the ground, off a tree or off a vine. For animals this happens after slaughter or once milk or eggs have left the animal’s body.

We are very aware that with food items we need an expiry date. Some items a very perishable, such as milk, raw eggs or raw beef. These food sources require careful handling and generally can only last days or a week if they aren't frozen or dehydrated. Other foods, such as packed crackers or cookies, are mixed with chemicals that preserve them for a year or two. But whether the food item can last only a few days or so long as 1 or 2 years, we are all acutely aware about the lifespan of that item.

So why is it that we don't even give any consideration to the lifespan of our cosmetic and beauty products? The answer's that they are most often so full of chemicals, that there's nothing living left in the products. We glop on lots of man-made chemicals everyday onto our skin, hair and face and never give it a second thought. But the time has arrived where folks are starting to realize the genuine danger in this sort of behavior.

We all know that smoking a gasper leads to inhaling over 5 hundred cancer causing agents into our lungs and body, but do you know that our skin absorbs over 60% of what we put on it? Not only that, but our skin is the largest organ in the body, so if you're trying a lotion all over, you are absorbing 60% of whatever is in there. A good test is to turn over your beauty produce and try and read the ingredients. The 1st question is “how many ingredients are in there?” If it's over 10, you'll question how natural it is. Also, can you even pronounce the names of the ingredients, or all they all multisyllabic nonsense words that you've no idea what they mean? If you can't pronounce it, don’t put it on or in your body!

If what you are putting on your body doesn’t have an expiration date, then it doesn't use natural live ingredients. Nothing in nature is designed to last for all eternity, and neither are your shampoos, conditioners, lotions and makeup. We're learning as purchasers to start to read our food labels and query the ingredients. Let’s do the same with our makeup and organic beauty products.

Terran Lewison has worked in organic cosmetics for over 5 years and wants to see beauty products all around the world become safer.

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