Lose Stomach Fat with These Exercises

Very often, the top movements to lose belly fat are Not the ones that involve small ab movements.

Go figure, right? !

The reason behind this is that waist exercises are simply too tiny a movement to burn any significant calories.

So while millions of well-intended people keep doing sit-ups and crunches in hopes of burning belly fat, I’d like to save you the hassle.

The primary reason that I would never counsel making sit-ups an element of your belly fat loss routine other than the observation that they will never burn belly fat, is that impose a lot of stress on your back.

Every time you perform a sit-up you are essentially wedging the cushioning discs between your bones. Over time , this can lead to serious lower back issues, especially if you haven’t a powerful core foundation.

Sit-ups are bad for your back and they don’t burn stomach fat. So what are you intended to do?

Here’s the secret sauce – my best exercises to lose belly fat.

Concentrate on using full body exercises that engage a large amount of muscle. When you do this you necessarily need more muscle to do the work. And when more muscle is involved a bigger requirement for oxygen and calories.

Understanding this is the foundation for any fat loss system.

Here are 2 of my fave and best exercises to lose belly fat:

Squat Presses “In a standing position, holding dumbbells at your shoulders, sit your bum back and move your bodyweight onto your heels (as if doing a regular squat) as you lower down as if about to sit on a chair. Make sure you only lower to the point where your quads are parallel to the floor and that your body stays tall throughout the entire motion.

Now, push your feet into the floor to return to a standing position and use that leg thrust to drive the load above your head. Lower and repeat. Aim for 2-3 sets of only 7-9 repetitions using heavier dumbbells which limit you to only lift for the mandatory number of reps.

Burpies “Who is not keen on burpies, right? Customarily, the exercises that are most exhausting and uncomfortable are the best ones for us. This is not an exception.

To perform a burpie start from a standing position, then drop to the floor and perform a push-up. At the very top of the push-up, jump your feet in toward your chest and jump up off the floor as high as practicable. Do it again. Aim to do as much as you can in 30 seconds, and do 2-3 sets.

These are just 2 examples of some of my best exercises to lose belly fat. They may ALWAYS outperform little ab exercises if your goal is to lose fat.

Nonetheless you should usually remember that when losing fat is the goal your diet will be the most vital element of your journey. But when you have got both the top exercises to lose belly fat and a high quality diet in order, you’llyou will be irresistible!

If you want to lose belly fat and get dazzling abs then please top doing sit-ups. The best exercises to lose belly fat are the big, challenging exercises that target all your muscles “like the exercises found in the Amazing Abs Solution workout program by yuri elkaim.

categories: lose belly fat,stomach fat,belly fat,abs,love handles,sit-ups

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