What You May Not Be Aware About Massage

Many men and women are under the impression that a massage is an indulgence. Several individuals think massages are only a way to flirt with someone. It’s true that there are those who live for getting a regular massage but, largely, people are still trying to figure out how helpful massages can be. Have you been trying to find out if you should fork out the bucks for a massage on a regular basis?

Below are a few not yet widely known benefits of doing just that! Massage causes chemical changes in the brain. These changes reduce your body pain and your stress levels generally. This is great news as it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact spot where you are having pain.

This means that if you don’t wish somebody touching, for example, your lower back, you should ask them to massage somewhere you do feel comfortable instead. The pressure applied on those places triggers your brain to modify its chemical makeup. After a short while, the muscles in your lower back will loosen up too.

There are some experts who say that getting a regular massage can help you stay healthy. Studies have been performed that demonstrate massage offers a boost to your immune system and that makes it easier to combat diseases. This occurs due to the fact that massage promotes the increase of your body’s non stressing functions.

For example, studies have found that massage lowers the levels of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is caused by stress and de-stressing your body is a great way to keep it from invading your immune system which, in turn, helps the rest of your body stay healthy. Did you know that a massage can reduce your blood pressure level? Massage decreases your high blood pressure as well.

The reason this is true is that massage triggers your vagus nerve; the vagus nerve is what helps your brain regulate the level of your blood pressure as well as a bunch of other crucial functions. In 2005, a study was conducted in which those who suffer from high blood pressure were given ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks–the study discovered that they had a significant drop in their high blood pressure levels.

It’s possible to massage yourself also. Numerous men and women believe that a massage must be done by another person but that simply is false. You don’t even have to massage a particular pain point as long as you can massage close to it. One example of this is someone who has carpal tunnel syndrome can help himself by massaging his own arms a few times per week.

There are many positives to getting a massage. Many individuals know that massage can be relaxing but it can help to treat a number of health conditions too. The real truth is that there is no one kind of massage that is more effective than the other. As long as you put sufficient pressure to make indentations on the skin you are massaging then you are giving (or getting) a great massage. So why not try it out for yourself and reap its benefits?

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