Walk The Road To Fitness With These Wonderful Tips

There are a lot of elements to good fitness. It includes eating a proper diet, getting plenty of rest as well as following an exercise program. People have many reasons for working out, which may include wanting to get in better health or just simply looking better. The below article provides you with tips on beginning your very own fitness plan that will be effective for you.

Human Evolution: Allowing the Heart to Lead the Mind

As we approach the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, a small percentage of humanity is evolving from an egoic, mind-centered, self-destructive state of suffering into a heart-centered, selfless and creative state of being. Intricately connected to Gaia–our Mother Earth–this burgeoning New Species of humanity will actualize the protective and balancing nature of the sacred feminine.

Wellness Coaching – Your Brain was Designed for Ketones

We Americans spend 17% of our GDP on healthcare. That’s roughly double what other countries spend. So, if we’re spending $1.2 Trillion a year, why are so many of us dropping like flies from epidemics such as cancer, heart disease and stroke? I believe that the major contributing factors include our stress-induced lifestyle, diet, and our body’s inability to rid itself of harmful toxins. More specifically, most diseases in our culture are directly related to our dependency on sugar for fuel.

Wellness Coaching – The Dangers of a Sugar-Based Diet

It takes about six to eight weeks (depending on the person) to reprogram the body to become accustomed to living on ketones, rather than glucose. When it does, you’ll find that it is well worth the time and effort. Diets that are high in sugar and starch have been shown to cause insulin-resistant problems such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, ADHD, hypothyroidism, irritability, and severe mood swings. Other health related problems from a nutrient-deficient, high starch diet include irritable bowel syndrome, acne, yeast infections, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, and systemic candida.