Remedies For Acne – Home-made Remedies for Acne

For mild acne it may well be worth trying some easy home treatments or Proactiv Solution for acne when examining alternative acne


In cases of severe acne the advice of a doctor or skin specialist should always be sought but even then, with

their permission and provided there are no contra-indications, you can supplement prescribed treatments with

some of these home treatments for acne. Just be certain to check with your health practitioner first.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

This suggests drinking a minimum of 6 glasses of water a day. Keeping the body hydrated

allows poisons to be flushed thru all organs, including the skin. Reducing toxins in the body removes a burden

on the immunological system permitting it to target fighting the acne and the associated infections.


This herb is understood to support the body’s natural immune reaction, fortifying it and its ability to

fight bacteria and poisons.

Manuka Honey

Produced in New Zealand by bees collecting pollen from the manuka bush, this honey is reputed to

have anti-bacterial, healing properties. Used as a facial mask or as a topical spot treatment it will soften and

remove dead skin layers while acting to kill bacteria.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A in the form of retinoids forms the basis of many acne prescription medicines so it is not

difficult to see why a supplement will help in the war against acne. Vitamin A is a fat soluble

vitamin and excess isn’t excreted by the body, because of this levels must be watched fastidiously to

prevent them becoming harmful; one to talk with your GP.


An antioxidising agent that also speeds up the healing process and has antimicrobe properties. It may be worth

taking a zinc supplement in the form of zinc picolinate though it’s very important not to surpass the recommended

daily allowances.

Skin Brushing

Anything you can do to release toxins from the body and free up the immune response, is a good

thing. Dry skin brushing (not over acne subject areas) acts as an exfoliant. Exfoliating allows poisons to be more

effectively excreted thru the skin. Follow this with a salt bath to help removal of toxins from tissues. And don’t forget

the importance of water intake and you can do a lot to support your body’s natural defence mechanisms.

Liver De-tox

The skin and the liver are the organs that are accountable for junking toxins from the

body. If the liver is fighting it will have no option but to release toxins into the body which then

accrue in the next form of defence – the skin. Support the effective functioning of the liver with a milk

thistle supplement and reduce the toxin burden on the skin.

These are just a few easy ideas, you can play around with, to support your body’s natural healing

capabilities. The acne remedies you try will depend upon the scale of your condition but these suggestions for

home remedies for acne, if used reasonably, can improve the symptoms and may even help to heal the underlying


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