How To Fall Asleep At Night

We all know that feeling of being dog tired, but sleep just won’t come. It has the knock on effect of you being exhausted the next day and literally having to drag yourself from your bed. Here are a few things you can try to improve the situation.

We all have bedtime habits such as watching TV or surfing the bed, this makes your brain work hard as you are tired so it won’t switch off when you want it to.

You may have a favourite show you watch in bed, the thing is that because you enjoy it so much you will be concentrating hard on it. Your brain needs to be able to sleep so that you can.

Now this is a tip that students use when they need to study. Get yourself a non fiction book that is full of facts but has zero entertainment value. Your brain recognizes how boring this is and shuts itself down, enabling you to fall asleep.

Another good one to try is to have an hour of punishing exercise sometime through the day. If you do this regularly you body gets used to a

Although some people say all exercise will do this, I tend to stick to cardio and resistance work. Yes I have that buzz immediately afterwards, but by the evening my body is crying out for sleep.

If your wear glasses or contacts, remove these before getting into bed, rather than once you are in it. There are a couple of reasons for doing this.

If you still have them on and force yourself to watch TV through tired eyes they will be harder to close. Your eyes will feel relaxed and more comfortable by taking them off beforehand.

We all know deep down that eating at night is bad for us, but it isn’t only the weight gain that’s a problem. Our brains are very clever and make associations. If you have got into the habit of eating at night, your brain will refuse to shut down until you have eaten as it will be thinking about what to have tonight. Cut out the snacks and sleep will come quicker.

Aside from health, the writer also regularly shares writing on hidden style and wrought iron shelf brackets.

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