Zantac Side Effects To Be Aware Of

Constipation, headache, and diarrhea are frequent side effects of Zantac. Some of the side effects that are much less common incorporate muscle or joint pain, blurred vision, and hair loss. In the event you encounter any significant side effects, for example trouble breathing or heart issues, be sure to notify your healthcare provider correct away.

Zantac Side Effects: An Introduction As with any medicine, side effects are feasible with Zantac (ranitidine hydrochloride). Nevertheless, not every person who takes this drug will have issues. The truth is, many people tolerate it nicely. If side effects do occur, they’re usually minor and either require no treatment or can effortlessly be treated by you or your healthcare provider.

(This article covers many, but not all, of the achievable side effects with Zantac. Your healthcare provider can talk about a far more complete list of Zantac side effects with you.)

Common Side Effects of Zantac Zantac has been thoroughly studied in clinical trials, with many people becoming evaluated. In these studies, side effects occurring in a group of people taking the drug are documented and usually compared to the side effects that happen in a comparable group of men and women not taking the medicine. This way, it really is probable to determine what side effects happen, how frequently they seem, and how they compare to the group not taking the medicine.

Based on these studies, essentially the most frequent side effects of Zantac contain:

Headache Constipation Diarrhea Upset stomach (nausea) or vomiting Abdominal pain (stomach discomfort) Rash.

Side Effects to Report You can find numerous side effects with Zantac which you ought to report to your healthcare provider. These contain but aren’t limited to:

Confusion, agitation, or hallucinations Depression (see Zantac and Depression) Heart problems, including:

Quick heart rate (tachycardia) Slow heart rate (bradycardia) Abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias)

Symptoms of liver issues or hepatitis, such as:

Yellowing of the eyes or skin Discomfort in the upper-right side of the abdomen Dark urine

Angioedema (life-threatening swelling of the throat and mouth) Signs of an allergic reaction, such as:

An unusual rash Hives Itching Wheezing Trouble breathing Swelling of the mouth or throat.

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