You Do Not Have To Spend a Lot of Money To Cure Acne With These Home Remedies

Acne often begins in the teenage years but can be found in people of all ages. Now that you are past the teenage years, you would think acne would be long gone. Unfortunately this isn’t always the case. Blackheads and whiteheads can follow you into your 20’s, 30, 40’s, etc. The cause of acne is often unknown but things such as diet, play a big role in beautiful clear skin. Do not accept acne, fight back. The following are some cheap home remedies for curing acne.

One of the best known natural remedies for ace is aloe vera. Aloe vera is commonly used on burns but did you know you can also use aloe vera on your acne. Aloe will speed up healing and reduce the risk of developing scars. Aloe vera will prevent future acne and leave your skin feeling soft. You can find many aloe vera products that can be applied to the skin, and it can also be helpful to drink aloe vera juice. Growing aloe vera is quite easy and very convenient to have around. With your own plant or plants, you will be able to extract fresh gel from your plant to use on your blemishes. There are so many benefits to using aloe vera gel, not only does it help with acne but it is also good for treating cold sores, stopping the itch of insect bites, cooling down a sunburn, treating kitchen burns, etc.

Here’s a home remedy for acne breakouts many people swear by, lemon juice. L-ascorbic acid is a substance found in Lemons. The L-ascorbic acid fights off bacteria and cleanses the pores. If you look at the ingredient list of many acne products, in fact, you’ll find L-ascorbic acid, but you can get this less expensively with lemon juice.

Using lemon juice to cure acne is easy. Lemon just is applied the face and left on overnight. In the morning wash the lemon juice off. If you want to get the most potent effect, squeeze fresh lemons into a bowl rather than buying lemon juice. You may, however, want to dilute it if you find pure lemon too acidic.

If you are looking for more immediate results, you should consult a dermatologist about a more powerful treatment. If your acne is very bad, and you have tried a variety of solutions, you may need antibiotics to fully handle the problem. Accutane, a drug that is prescribed for severe acne cases, can sometimes help. If you want to remove acne scars, then laser surgery might help. Acne treatments, especially those that must be prescribed, can be expensive, therefore it is in your best interest to first try a home remedy.

In conclusion: This article has covered a few methods for treating acne at home. These methods are free or inexpensive and have been proven effective. Do not get discouraged while looking for a cure for acne. There are many people in the same boat as you are looking for a cure. You will find the answer but it may take some time. If something doesn’t work, keep experimenting until you find the ideal remedy.

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