Wrist Braces Are An Advisable Method of Dealing With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Today there are more reported cases of carpal tunnel syndrome than at any point in history. Part of the reason for the increase is because of a shift in employment from physically demanding jobs of yesteryear to the technology infused settings we have today. Many people are taking work from the downtown office to the home office which if further exacerbating the issue. When you work at home most of the time, you will set for long hours banging on the keyboard, never taking scheduled breaks as you would in a structured environment.

Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? There may be only one way to find out for sure and that is seeking the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. You may find that your hand, or hands, are swollen slightly, have a tingling or pins and needles sensation in your fingers or hand and may even experience numbness in part or all of your hand. Pain can range from mild to intense depending on the movement and placement of your wrist, and you may even have noticed a loss of strength in gripping or use of your hand.

When you suspect that you have carpal tunnel syndrome there is really only one option, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. If you find your hands are slightly swollen, tender to the touch, tingling, or even numb there is a good chance you have carpal tunnel syndrome. As far as the pain level goes it can be mild to severe depending on how you use your hands or wrist, it is even possible to lose strength or gripping ability in your hands.

Carpal tunnel can occur in one or both hands and the extent of the disorder can vary as well. You may have one hand that is effected severely while the other is mild or not at all. If you suspect that, you may have carpal tunnel you will want to see your doctor and begin treatment at the first sign of symptoms. Like any other disorder the sooner, you seek treatment the sooner you can be hale and healthy again.

Wrist exercises and stretches have been used in combination with wrist braces in order to help those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in order to heal and make the hands and wrists stronger than before. If you have been put on a treatment plan that includes exercises or stretches be sure to diligently perform these regularly as your doctor has prescribed. Without these stretches or exercises the wrist brace cannot help you heal as quickly or effectively as it would without them.

The road to healing can only begin with you and how proactive you are at using the tools needed in order to help your hands and wrists be well once again.

Keeping a wrist brace on at night can prevent prolonged wrist flexion or extension while you sleep. Be sure to take some time for your wrist stretches and exercises no matter if you are using the wrist brace during the evening, the daytime, or both. If you think you might be developing from CTS, follow this link to learn some simple carpal tunnel exercises that can help stop the progression of CTS and ease existing symptoms.

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