Widely Known Omega 3 Health Benefits

Fish oil has been known to have considerably beneficial for some time. Many people will remember being dosed with cod live oil, from a bottle as children. Children who protested, will remember being told that it was good for them. More recently, however there is a broader spectrum of omega 3 health benefits understood.

The oil takes the form of a polyunsaturated fatty acid. It can be found in many foods which are widely available. Some foods contain much larger amounts than others. Tuna and salmon contain high amounts along with sardines and herring. Foods, such as soy beans, tofu, walnuts and pumpkin seeds also contain high amounts of this oil.

The vital oil can be found in a variety of foods. These are typically oily fish, such as herring, sardines, tuna and salmon. Other foods, such as soy beans, tofu, walnuts and pumpkin seeds also contain high amounts.

A study of a tribe of Inuit people yielded an important discovery. They had vast quantities of fish in their diet. The study found that the oil may lower the risk of coronary heart disease. The important discovery is that it has health benefits for the body by lowering triglycerides. High triglycerides can contribute to heart disease.

Recently it was discovered that this specific oil also has anticoagulant properties. An anticoagulant stops blood from clotting. It has also been shown to lower high blood pressure. In a study of a particular type of omega 3 called Docosahexaenoic acid scientists observed some interesting effects on the brain. They found that the particular fatty acid can be instrumental in guarding against the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

Further omega 3 health benefits were revealed in 1999 when a further study was carried out on patients with Bipolar disorder. Bipolar sufferers usually take mood stabilizers to help them to manage living with often debilitating mood disturbances. The vital oil was shown to have an effect similar to mood stabilizing medication.

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