Why You Ought to Stay Fit… Really

It’s easy to proclaim that everyone needs to stay fit. It’s simple enough to say that we should meet our daily servings of 4-6 fruits and vegetables. But how many of us actually do it?

With obesity reaching epidemic proportions in this country, it would seem that a lot of us are only letting our mouths do the hard work. The fact that modern-day occupations only require the use of fingers typing away in front of a computer screen does not help, either. This might seem hard to accept but at the rate we are eating and sitting ourselves to weight gain, it’s safe to say that we have already mastered the art of killing ourselves fat.

Truly, we are killing ourselves slowly but surely as we pile up the excess weight. There are so many comorbidities associated with obesity. From diabetes to cancer to heart disease-all these paint a grim picture when you think about what fat does to our bodies.

To compound things, the problem is not merely physical. Those who have put on too many pounds have to battle with low self-esteem issues. To seal the nail on the coffin, excessively overweight individuals do not have a good quality of life inasmuch as they face limitations in all aspects of their daily activities.

You really should stay fit because it prolongs your life. Sure, it’s true that we don’t really have control as to when our lives will end. But heart attacks and strokes due to excessive eating and a sedentary lifestyle are self-inflicted-in a manner of speaking.

With regular exercise and a healthy diet, however, your heart muscles get strengthened and your heart rate improves. As a result, arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure are prevented. If you have kids who still depend on you, then you really should do all you can in your power to be there for them when they need you. And you can’t do that when you’re dead.

You really should stay fit because it helps you keep your independence even when you’re old and gray. Just by doing 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity on most days of the week, you keep your muscles and bones strong which keeps you mobile even as you age. Regular workouts also prevent fractures and falls associated with weakened bones. More importantly, research has shown that adults who engage in regular exercise are also less prone to cognitive decline as they grow older.

You ought to stay fit because it means making your quality of life better. You have more energy to do the things that matter. You are able to perform your job with gusto or make every moment count with your family. You have that confidence to go out and meet new people if you are single. And because sickness is something unheard of by those who are fit, you are able to experience literally everything in this lifetime. Shopping, dining out and traveling can all be done with renewed energy and vigor.

Fitness matters because it gives you a renewed lease on life. Individuals who have experienced heart attacks previously, have diabetes, are hypertensive or are prone to hypertension can improve their health and live again by following exercise and observing a healthy diet.

Last but not least, be sure to look over our detailed P90X review and this article on Brazilian Butt Lift.

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