Why You Can’t Stop Eating Food And What To Do About It

No matter what the marketers may claim, fat loss is dependent on being in a negative caloric state. There is no way around this simple truth.

Unfortunately, you may be stuck in a situation where you can’t control how much food you are eating.

So here are some reasons why you may not be able to stop eating food:

1. Addiction: Yes, you can become addicted to food, this isn’t a myth. You see, food can cause the same alterations in your brain that drugs cause, especially sugar. In fact, sugar is used as an analgesic for infants undergoing surgery.

2. Your eating may be tied to your emotions: There are many ways to deal with negative emotions. And eating is no exception here. So if you find yourself trying to offset a negative aspect in your life with eating, deal with the issue and the eating will resolve itself.

3. There isn’t enough volume in your food: Your stomach does not sense how many calories are in a meal, but it does sense how much volume is in a meal. Thus, two meals with different caloric content, but equal volume will have the exact same effect on satiety.

4. You are relying on caloric restriction: Your body doesn’t sense caloric deficits from exercise as much as caloric deficits from food restriction. Thus, it’s in your best interest to burn a lot of calories with exercise instead of eating less food.

5. You may be insulin resistant: Now this isn’t the norm, but insulin resistance can be inherited. Unfortunately, when you are insulin resistant, you can’t process food that well which can leave you excessively hungry.

6. You may have sleep apnea: Or any other type of sleeping disorder. You see, a sleeping disorder can interrupt your sleep without you being consciously aware of it. And bad sleep will make you hungrier and in extreme cases, it can make you seek out carbs.

Not being able to control your food intake will keep you from getting the body you want. So take action here sooner rather than later.

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness physiologist and recent arm fat sufferer, teaches how to get rid of flabby arms. Figure out how to get sexy and sculpted arms by exploring her blog with tricep exercises for women right now!

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