Why Yearly Eye Exams Are So Important

Because so many people often feel like there is nothing wrong with their eyes, they avoid having them checked; but a expert eye exam is needed every two years. Children need to have their eyes examined regularly every year starting at six months; as advised by many eye doctors. Reasons behind having your eyes checked are stated below as what actual doctors have listed as important.

Visual acuity is just one measure of a reason for a person getting yearly exams. Many want to have 20/20 vision, but that is not always the case for some. Knowing whether or not you are near-sighted or far-sighted, is just one of many things that a doctor will be able to check. A person could find out many things about eye conditions including if they may something like an astigmatism.

There are many diseases of the eye that show now symptoms at all and it take a while before a person actually realizes it. When you actually realize that something is wrong, it could be too late; which is why going to the eye doctor is so important. Loss in vision can occur and even damage to the eye without a expert eye exam. Any eye doctor will be able to see if there are any conditions such as Cataracts, Glaucoma, or Retinal Detachment present.

Glaucoma is one example and it effects the optic nerve with some signs of increased pressure in the eyes. The development of this condition can be quick and in some cases can cause blindness in individuals. Managing this condition can be a lifelong thing, but there is also constant monitoring and treatments needed.. With yearly examinations, this condition can be detected early and can even be given the proper kind of treatment as well.

A child is at a higher risk of developmental problems since one in four school aged kids have eye problems and not many people have yearly exams. Not having your vision properly corrected can lead to problems in the area of reading and learning; much like the problems of ADD and dyslexia. Amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (eye turn) can also result if there is not a regular check-up being done. These exams are a crucial point for students and the education systems has realized they need to be required.

It is very important to get your eyes checked as you get older because you do not want to risk losing your eye sight as part of your 5 senses. Along with our bodies aging, our eyes do as well; which means they need to be checked every year. Many eye care professionals will advise adults and children that they need to have a regular and Riverhead eye exam.

If you liked this article and want more information drop by…complete eye exam. We can also meet with you over the weekend. Find out what can be done to improve your eye health…exhaustive eye exam.

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