Why The Food You Eat Is Key In Managing Your Hemorrhoids

When you’re going through hemorrhoids, treatment is needed to relieve the discomfort and to help heal them. If you do not wish to suffer for years with them, seek out the best hemorrhoid treatment you’ll be able to find. Surgery is not invariably the answer.

You can of course have surgery done to heal your hemorrhoids but the treatment may also include a change of diet. Otherwise they’ll simply come back. Hemorrhoids stem from forcibly pushing out stools during a bowel movement. But you can also get them as a result of preganacy. The pressure of forcing hard stool thru the rectum causes the blood veins to break. If they do not have an opportunity to heal they keep breaking open each time you've got a bowel movement.

Hemorrhoid treatment can be as easy as eating more fruit and veg but if the hemorrhoids are terrible then you will have to give special attention to them. Adding more whole grains and fibre to your diet will help. You can also utilize a stool softener but you do not want to use a laxative. A strong laxative will only damage them further especially so if you have internal hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoid treatment takes more careful treatment. External hemorrhoids are the same as internal but the blood veins on the outside of the anal sphincter have been damaged and as you constantly have bowel movements they don’t get an opportunity to mend. Every time you pass a stool you tear them open again. You could add more water to your diet plus more veg, fruits and grains. Try to cut out fast food and in particular food like chips, cookies, and all packaged foods.

Without proper treatment you can end up with hemorrhoids that won’t heal and you will have to cope with the discomfort. If you've never had an inflamed anus you don’t want to go through the discomfort of hemorrhoids. Treatment can be just modifying your diet or you might have to go through seeing a doctor and let them help in decreasing the swelling. Most sufferers of hemorrhoids seek treatment and never find one that works for them. Even undergoing surgery for your hemorrhoids can help but unless you change your diet they’ll come back.

You can find hemorrhoid treatment at your local drug store things like Witch Hazel. It works on internal hemorrhoid as well as external hemorrhoids but it is only a short term solution. It alleviates the agony itching and burning. If your hemorrhoids are light then it may help them scale back the swelling.

When you find the right hemorrhoid treatment that will work for you, your hemorrhoids will heal but remember you have to change your diet so they don’t come back.

Julie Johnson owns of the Buy Venapro website. Julie spent years living with internal hemorrhoids, and on her site she documents how she finally found a treatment that worked for her. Visit her site for more info.

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