Why Should You Use Vibration Plate Machines

Vibration plate machines are definitely the new kids on your street in relation to domestic exercise. They’ve been stashed at NASA and in professional sports gyms for quite a while and have been the topic of a good deal of research. However, they have now become much more popular as more and more people recognise the extra benefits you may get.

The main reasons they may be rising in popularity are IMHO, a lower price and faster benefits from your exercise efforts.

Where before vibration plate machines were only affordable to the few, now they have come down in price and can be bought from as low as $150 for a simple model. While these involve some benefits, you really need to spend twice that to have any significant benefit. For the reason that some of the really cheap ones just are not strong enough. You may of course pay a lot more if you absolutely need the ‘bells and whistles’ or are a professional sportsman who would really benefit more, but for most, a middle range machine will be just fine.

Now certainly, the main feature of these machines is you get a real bonus in terms of your time and effort. The reason being, for each ten minutes exercise you perform on the plates, the body thinks it has had an hour! No brainer really.

Now, not everyone may use them unfortunately. As an example, for those who have recently had surgery, have a pacemaker fitted, are pregnant etc., then it’s good sense not to use them. But you will find benefits for other conditions. In particular, research has shown that regular use of vibration plate machines can boost bone density considerably, when assessed against control groups who didn’t use this form of exercise. This naturally has an obvious benefit for women who could be susceptible to osteoporosis. In case you find it difficult to exercise normally due to arthritis perhaps, this is an impact free method of exercise. Even though you just stand on the equipment on a low setting, your muscles will be exercised. Other studies have also shown an increase in weight loss when included in addition to a calorie controlled diet. And of course, in the sports world they have been used for years to aid and shorten rehabilitation following some injuries.

The benefits occur because basically, the brain thinks it is standing on an unstable surface and this causes the muscles to function to compensate. Add this to the any exercises you may perform on the plates (e.g. leg squats and knee flexes) and you’ve got multiple benefits.

Vibration plate machines are really worth further exploration, but although this is not an impact exercise and you won’t be shaken so hard you’ll fall off… unless you know you are healthy and fit, please speak with your medical professional to ensure that you are able to make use of them.

You can find out much more about the research, suggested vibro plate exercises and our recommendations for vibration machines at www.vibroplateexercises.com.

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