Why People Lose the Battle of the Bulge

Why do some people succeed in losing weight while others fail miserably? This is a question that many-especially those who belong to the latter-often ask.

In most cases, this can be traced to ignorance or lack of knowledge about how to go about shedding the pounds. Fed with misinformation, an individual who wants to lose the pounds can’t do so effectively or safely, for that matter. Thus, it’s essential that those seeking to lose weight must be given proper knowledge to guide them on their way.

However, even when people know how to go about shedding the excess pounds, they can still fail to lose weight and this can be due to any or all of the following reasons:

1. Those who fail to lose weight often have an undiagnosed illness. The primary reason why all exercise and diet programs come with a warning to “visit your physician before starting this program” is to look at any underlying medical condition that might be the cause of your weight gain. This checkup is meant to rule this out. Be particularly mindful if the weight gain or loss was rapid even when you did not do anything to merit such.

2. Those who fail to lose weight don’t want to lose weight. This might sound surprising but it really isn’t. Most will ask: Why would anyone want to stay fat, anyway? But if an individual is forced to go into a weight loss program, he or she will never have the sincerity to carry it to completion.

3. Starving themselves in an effort to cut down on calories is not the way to lose weight. This is what happens when people seek to lose weight but are not equipped with the correct knowledge to do so. An effect of starvation is a lowered metabolic rate as your body’s survival mechanism. When you decide that such an overly restrictive diet is next to impossible to maintain, you then go back to eating the way you used to. The problem is your body has already lowered its metabolic rate and as a result, it will deposit fat. This is made worse by the fact that you have already increased your caloric intake and as such, the result is excess weight gain. Eating in moderation is the secret to losing the pounds. Smaller but healthier meals taken every two to three hours will contribute to weight loss more than extreme dieting.

4. Those who fail to lose weight are those who do not exercise. It’s a fact that you can take off excess pounds from your frame by limiting your food intake. But exercise makes weight loss faster and gives the added benefit of letting you stay healthy at the same time. Research has also shown that those who exercise also prevent any recurrence of weight gain.

5. Lack of stress management skills prevents people from losing weight. Stress is a constant variable in today’s world. It’s one of the reasons why people become compulsive or emotional eaters. Stress, then, is one of the real reasons why some individuals gain weight. Learning the art of balance and stress management skills is essential if weight loss is to be achieved.

Watch this FREE Shakeology meal replacement product video and discover how easy it can be to lose weight. Also, don’t forget to watch this awesome Shakeology shake video.

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