When And Where You Should Use Your Cell Phone

Many questions are arising about the best place and time to use their cell phones and when should they not use it. There are certain places where you’ll be frowned upon should you choose to speak on your phone, and it’s important that you know the situations to avoid.

Remember these things as suggested by etiquette professionals and you’ll never go wrong.

1. A personal phone call is not advised if you are in a meeting. This comprises of interviews and meetings with co-workers as well as with your subordinates.

2. Observe distance away from someone when talking on the phone. 10 feet would be ideal.

3. Theaters, receptions at clinics, restaurants and libraries are never considered as a good place to have a chat on the phone. This also applies to places of worship or public transportation. Dealing with your poignant problems on your mobile in public places should be refrained. People have no interest in knowing what you are going through at the moment.

4. Irritating, loud and eardrum shattering ringtones that can distract someone’s train of thought should never be used.

5. Talking on your mobile phone about personal business and engaging on other activities like shopping, transacting in the bank or falling in line simultaneously is inappropriate.

6. Do not engage in a conversation about personal business in your cell phone while in doing something else like shopping, transacting in a bank and waiting in line.

7. Do not forget to use your headset when talking in noisy places. This will help you control the loudness of your voice thus help you modulate it if needed.

8. If you’re taking calls from your mobile phone, tell it at once to your callers so they can expect disconnections and distractions.

9. Ask for a “quiet zone” or a “phone-free areas” at your work place or public venues. For instance, Amtrak Metroliner has its separate quiet cars.

10. Tell all the people in your phone book that you are following some set of rules about mobile etiquette. Try to persuade them to do it too.

To have a good start, be polite not only to the one you’re talking to but to those who are around you as well.

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