What’s Acne And Who Gets Acne?

Acne mainly occurs when the pores of our face get clogged with whiteheads, blackheads or lumps just like cysts or nodules. Acne appears on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, back and also the upper arms. It is rather typical with teens but adults until the age of 40 can be affected by acne. It isn’t at all dangerous to health but it creates blemishes on the body, which in turn is very irritating. Acne causes scarring which are often long term.

Acne isn’t dependent on race, ethnicity, color or sex. Almost 100% of people belonging to the age group of twelve to seventeen suffer from the occasional blackhead, whitehead or pimple. Most of these young people are able to take care of this problem with a few medications that can be had over the counter. For a few the problem is serious and needs professional treatment. About 40% of adolescents and teens suffer from severe problems that require the help of a doctor to be cured.

When does it begin?

Acne hits between the ages of 10 and 13. The condition persists for the next 5 to 10 years. It usually disappears in the early twenties though it can stay till one is in their late 20s, thirties and even later than that. There have been instances when individuals start getting acne once they are well into adulthood.

Men or women?

There continues to be no concrete evidence to show whether or not males or ladies suffer more from acne. But young men are more vulnerable to the different forms of acne than women. For men acne is far more severe and lasts really longer than women. Despite this men don’t go to the dermatologist as often as they should.

Young ladies usually have acne that happens periodically. This is brought on by hormonal changes that are associated with the menstrual cycle. Acne may also be caused by the use of cosmetics without understanding whether they are appropriate to the particular skin type or not. These kinds of acne can happen to women who are well into their adulthood.

Where do they occur?

Acne can occur most generally on the face however they also occur on the chest, back, shoulders, scalp, neck, upper arms and legs.


Acne might appear to be very insignificant but you will be surprised to know that it does have an economic impact as well. Roughly a hundred million dollars a year are spent on non-prescriptive drugs that almost all teens purchase to get rid of acne. This amount doesn’t include the cash spent on the cleansers and soaps that have been made for controlling acne. Besides this one must go to the dermatologist and buy the medicines that he has prescribed. This also needs cash.

You have come to know that you are not the only 1 who is suffering from this problem. A careful skin-cleansing regimen needs to be followed to have a healthy skin.

[youtube:dJOFpfNEwrs?version=3;[link:Get Rid of Acne];https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJOFpfNEwrs?version=3&feature=related]

If you want more information on how get rid of acne, don’t read just rehashed articles online to avoid getting ripped off. Go here: Get rid of blackheads

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