What You Should Know About Citalopram

The article that follows will have a look at a number of the often asked questions on citalopram, such as what it is utilized for, whether it is wise to mix citalopram and alcohol, and lastly; what the most typical citalopram side effects are.

Just What is Citalopram?

So, probably the most logical place to begin when looking at any kind of prescription medication needs to involve the questions; what exactly is citalopram and what is it used for? Well, primarily, citalopram is antidepressant medication and is available on a prescription only basis. It works by controlling the amounts of serotonin in the system of which low levels could bring about depression.

Besides being among the major forms of medication used to deal with major depression, Citalopram is also quite often utilized in the treatment of other conditions like anxiety symptoms, obsessive compulsive disorder and also premature ejaculation.

Citalopram and Alcohol?

Just as with a lot of types of medication, it is vital to understand what you can and can’t drink when taking this kind of a prescription drug. And as far as the combination of citalopram and alcohol is involved, the general consensus is that the latter will need to be eliminated if using the former where at all possible. If you combine them, there’s potential for increased drowsiness, lightheadedness and slower reactions. Indeed, this reinforces the fact that you should never drive if combining citalopram and alcohol.

Citalopram Side Effects?

It’s probably no great surprise that there are a number of well documented citalopram side effects and these may consist of:

1. Headaches: If these get severe, seek the advice of your doctor promptly. Otherwise, ask your pharmacist for recommendations for headache relief.

2. Anxiety associated side effects (basically, the inability to really concentrate, insomnia, excessive sweating, heart palpitations, jitters along with a basic agitated feeling): As with the above, should these get especially troucblesome, call your doctor for guidance.

3. Nausea and diarrhoea: Take care of this issue just as you would normally, in other words, rehydrate by just drinking a lot more water than usual and do not irritate your stomach with spicy “wet” foods.

4. Increased drowsiness: There are few methods you could use to specifically deal with this side effect, but as above, cut down on alcohol consumption should you still be drinking. Also, should you go through reoccurring bouts of drowsiness, be especially careful when driving and when you are outside of your house.

Despite these side effects being widely known, they have an effect on less than 1 in 10 people, and there is consequently a good chance that the typical person would avoid them completely.

Ultimately, citalopram is really a prescription only drug and for that reason, it must only be taken when directed by a doctor. Follow the directions carefully and at the first sign of a severe adverse reaction, seek the advice of your GP right away.

Are you suffering from citalopram side effects? For comprehensive information on citalopram and facts about citalopram and alcohol, be sure to visit patient.co.uk.

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